A Fairy Tale

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You wake up slowly, Wanda and Nat are not in bed. You start to panic, you get up in bed and look around every corner of the room. Suddenly your gaze lands on Serena in a dark corner of the room.

Y/n- Where are they ?!

S- Don't worry they're fine, it's just a dream... or something like it

She smiles nastily.

Y/n- Look, I know what happened! I know it now and listen to me Serena please I-

S- Enough !

You can't speak anymore, you open your mouth but no sound comes out. You scream and try to move but you can't. She slowly comes closer to you laughing.

S- You must be wondering "What are you doing here Serena?" or "What do you want?"

She sits next to you on the bed.

S- Well, I'm here to make you suffer. You lived a life that I did not live, that I should have lived!

You try to tell her, you try with all your strength but you still can't speak or move.

S- You will understand later. I would show you. In the meantime I'll show you what I've been going through all this time!

She puts her hand on your shoulder and suddenly you feel transported in another world, another dream. You are lying on the bed but it's not the same bed, the same room or even... the same body?

You try to get up but a huge pain hits your chest. You try to lift your shirt and you see marks. Bruises, scratches and a few small open wounds. You can feel some broken ribs. The pain is so bad you can't stop the tears rolling down your cheeks.

You feel sad, angry and lonely like the last time Serena entered your mind, this time you saw the baby. You are hungry, thirsty. You hardly try to think, if Serena was taken when she was 5, how could she have been in front of a door, abandoned when she was a baby? Why take revenge on me and the life I had? I have the impression that she thinks our parents abandoned them to keep me. I'm lost. The pain is coming back, it has to stop, you twist in pain in bed. You don't make any noise because you feel like it would be a bad idea. You cry, you want it to stop, you can't take it anymore !

You look at the door of the room and you see a man, a tall man who looks mean, cross the hallway. He turns his head towards you and he has a scratch mark on his face, very deep. You look at your hand... Serena's hand and you notice some blood on her nails.

Suddenly a scream comes out of your mouth, you open your eyes and the pain is gone. Nat's face is just above your head, she holds your hands and is sitting on your body to keep you from moving. The bed is hard, you realize that you are on the floor.

Y/n- Natalia!

You get up and you take Natasha in your arms to reassure you.

N- Hey, are you okay?

Y/n- Yeah it's-

You step back a little to look at her.

Y/n- It's Serena she- I think she thinks we abandoned her, me and my parents.

W- But she was kidnapped though

You look behind Nat. Wanda is standing in the dark.

Y/n- Yeah but- I don't know... I just- what happened ?

Y/n StarkWhere stories live. Discover now