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You are all in the living room, glass in hand

Tony finishes cleaning the kitchen with Carol while you are all talking.

Peter- Like I say, I heard you !

Y/n- Who ?!

Peter- I heard you this afternoon, you are so loud ! You, Wanda and Nat

Nat- Whaaaat noooo !

Wanda- We were watching a movie with... scenes

Tony- Oh come on ! That's a lie I almost saw you

Carol- Plus, your voice is... special

Nat- I agree

Y/n- Nat ! We're supposed to defend ourselves, not get stuck !

Nat- Okay sorry but she's right

She laugh

Tony- Nat come here please, I need your help for a second

Nat- Yup, coming

Thor- I heard you too.

Y/n- Nooo Thor... not you

Thor- Sorry but it's true !

Peter- Yes !

Y/n- No ! And I don't have a special voice !

Carol- Yes you do !

She yells from the kitchen

Peter- Okay okay, let's try this, say "darling"

Y/n- What ? Darling ?

You start to see Wanda drinking more and more her drink as if she wanted to get drunk.

Peter- Yes but say "darling" in a seductive way

You laugh

Y/n- Mmh darling...

You say in a hoarse sexy voice

Wanda spits out the drink she had just drunk while choking

Y/n- Wow baby you're okay ?!

You give her a towel when she's blushing

Peter- See ? That's exactly the way she said it to one of them while having sex !

Y/n- Shut up Peter

You laugh

You give Peter a middle finger


It's a bonus chapter of 268 words so it's just a little bonus

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