Falling Apart

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What will you do if the thing you built for three years will fall down in just a snap of a finger right in front of you-- seeing it with your very own eyes?

"Hey, Kristen!!" I watch Wade as he walked the distance to me. He has this grim look in his face. I wonder what got him upset.

"H-hey!" I greeted back. He gripped my wrist not too tight, just enough to get my attention fully to him.

"What's the matter?! Why are you avoiding me?" He really looked frustrated. I just lower my gaze. I can't say it's because Rain likes you and i can't bear to lose her but can't take to lose you either. So maybe i could take a break from both of you until this weird feelings are gone. But i doubt if it will.

Wade lifted up my chin and i can see the hurt look in his eyes. "What is she to you?" He asked in a low and soothing voice. He really cares for me and it makes me guiltier than ever. I should care for him too.

"What do you mean?" I tried to buy time by feigning i didn't get what he meant.

He did not break his gaze into my eyes when he spoke, "L-lorraine McKenzie. I know there's something between the two of you. I can feel it- I'm not dense."

I clinched at the mentioned of Rain's name. "Nothing. We have nothing, Wade. You're imagining things."

"No, I'm not. And it's really annoying me that she's starting to act like my girlfriend!" He said truly frustrated. "Look Kristen, you told me she's your friend and I tried to be nice to her but there's nothing going on between the two of us other than that."

I looked at him intently when he gently squeeze my hand. "I am avoiding her since the day you start avoiding me. I can't j----"

"No!" I protest and gripped the collar of his shirt. It took him by surprised. "I..just don't.. Stop avoiding her. She really likes you Wade."

"But it's hurting you!" He protests.

"Whatever that hurts her hurts me more!"

"So, what is she to you?" He asked again.

"It is more of what i am to her that defines us."

He shook his head gently and points me. "Do you love her?"

"I dont have any right to."

He look at me and turn his gaze elsewhere. I could tell he's getting it bits by bits.

"Can you do me one favor?" I asked in a low voice. I really wonder how words slipped out of my mouth.

"Anything, Kristen. You don't need to repeat it twice."

"Will you please take care of her while i'm gone?"

He frowned. "Where are you going? What do you mean gone?"

"You told me i don't have to repeat it twice." I joked but failed.

"I am not asking you repeat it. I'm telling you to elaborate what you mean by that."

"I don't know what I'm feeling right now, Wade. All i know is that i care for her a lot."

"So, why are you going elsewhere? Chase her!" He stated as if i haven't done that yet. I smiled at him.

100 days Girlfriend Privilege (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now