Pain heals but scars remain

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Never say you had experienced all because the best and the worst are yet to come.



I just stand there watching as the person i only had walked away. Away out of my life..

I hate you Ken! I hate you for making me believe that there is forever. I hate you for letting me see that there is still life after what i have been to. I hate you for making me trust you. I hate you because I depend my happiness on you. I hate you because you're hurting me! I really hate you!!!

I felt a pair of strong arms that hugged me from behind. I look up and saw Wade. There's a grim look in his face and this is the first time i'm seeing him in this dark aura. Well, i haven't known him that long anyway.

"Don't take it too hard, Lorraine. Kristen is just having a hard time and she didn't mean what she've said."

Yea? She didn't mean that? Wow, great! Great because it hurts. It is like freezing a hand or a foot in hell.

I didn't say anything but i just kept crying. I tried to stop my tears from falling but the harder i tried the more they tried to find a way to land in my cheeks.

"It's raining, Gray! Go and follow Kristen." I heard Dawn speaks to Gray. Yea, they are still here. I furrowed my brows when Gray just gritted her teeth.

"Let her be! She needs the cold rain to clear up her mind. She badly needs space. " she said coldly and turn his gaze to Wade. "Wade, we'll look after Lorraine. Go to your class! You surely don't want to miss exams in your majors."

Wade nodded in agreement and told me to just give him a call whenever i needed him. He'll make himself available. He left after i nod.

"Let's go!" Gray says softly. Confusion is all written in my face. Why is she acting nice? We are not in good terms. We always fight and exchange dirty and nasty remarks towards each other. So why the sudden change? They pity you!

I shot her a stern look. "I don't need your pity!"

"You're still a whore in my eyes, Mckenzie.. " She replied cockily. Dawn squeeze Gray's arms and they exchange knowing looks. I just stare at them as they speak through each other's eyes. How i wish i somehow can have that kind of connection with Ken.

I immediately collect myself and composed a hard exterior. She hurts me once but i forgave her. She promised not to do the same but she did again. And for me, there's no second chances but i already gave her one. But then she blew it away and screw me up. And that's enough!

"We'll bring you home." Gray speaks authority and i'm too tired to banter with her so i just let her drag me to her car. She opened the back seat which i happily entered. I was expecting Dawn will seat beside Gray but she took the seat next to me. I just let them do what they want.

100 days Girlfriend Privilege (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now