At the right time, with the right one

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There's always a right time for everything--- just like the way i fell for you and like the way you catch me on cue.


Ken's POV

I felt Rain trembles slightly while clutching the steering wheel too tight. I guess, she's tense as well.

I blew some air slowly as if i'm puffing smokes from a cigarette. This is one of those times that I badly need a lit. But for some reason makes me glad that i cannot.

I glanced again towards Rain through the front mirror. Sensing my stares, she meet my gaze and gave a slight smile.

"Y-you know Rain, we don't have to do it if you're not yet ready.." I tried to act normal.

"I'm ready, Ken!" She insists.

"Ready?" I mocked but deep inside I'm jumping in glee.

"Turn into scared cat?" She mused.

"Dream on!"

"Seriously Ken, you're a scared shit given it was not your first!" Rain joked.

I turned red. Does she really have to point it out?

"I haven't been with a girl, so yeah, this makes my first."

The look on Rain's face speaks that she's not believing me.

"Hey, it's true! "

"Are you trying to convince me or yourself?"

"Don't start it."

Sensing that I'm offended, Rain reached for my hand and place a gentle kiss on it.

I was appeased by her gesture that I immediately let go of our argument.

"Mine .. Or yours?" She asked.


She just nodded and drove silently. Though her place is just near the school, the drive felt like we're on it for hours. I don't know if I was tensed or just excited—or maybe both.

As we reached her place, I suddenly feel all the butterflies flipping in my stomach. I felt beads of sweat forming in my face and my palms are sweating as well.

Sheesh! I can't remember when I felt like this.

Rain opened her door and motioned me to come inside her place.

She casually drops our bags on the couch.

"Do you want coffee.. Or tea.. Or—"

"Or you?" I said blankly as I am trying to make this awkward moment easy.

She didn't laugh as I got her joke. That was new. Rain usually tickles me if I couldn't get her joke easily.

"Do you want me to continue where you rudely cut me off?" She asked in a serious tone.

"Am I wrong?" I tried to make my voice sounds normal.

"Yes, you were."

"So?" I raise a brow and cross my arms on my chest.

Rain stared at me intently as she takes our distance and pulls me closer.

"I-I" she breaths heavily while still holding my gaze. "I-I was about to say...chocolates." She grins.

100 days Girlfriend Privilege (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now