Part 11- The First Touch

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Aslan's POV.

I got to the institute earlier after the few errands that I had to run. My dad personally asked me to take over the job he had to finish so I agreed without hesitating.

I was glad I finished it early because even while working I couldn't stop thinking about her.

The girl that never stops hunting my mind.

I wanted to see her as soon as possible. I wasn't tired at all even after staying up all night. I can only rest after at least seeing her face.

I was about to leave the institute after my shower and after changing into different clothes when I received a call from Miran.

I picked up and I wasn't really happy to hear what he was telling me.

"Fazal has entered our territory...and I think he's with your girl" he said alerted.

The heat of the anger in me was intense.

Mafia gangs live in different towns therefore none of us are allowed to get into the others territory unless specified that we are.

Mostly, when it's the a member or a gang that are on the red list. The list of our ennemis.

We can't sit back and have no mercy on them. Most of the time, they get killed or beat up to death.

All mafia gangs as well as their members are aware of this rule. No trans passing the opposite gang's territory without warning.

Not only did Fazal entered my territory knowing that I despise him but he dared lay a hand on what is mine.

I will make him regret.

I got out of the institute in hurry and furry and drove away on my motorcycle to Zahara's place.

My blood was boiling while I was on my way. I finally arrived there and got off my bike getting inside.

The waitresses already know me so it didn't took a second before they let me in and I ran to the backyard.

Why would Zahara throw a party at this time and date?

I saw everyone surrounded near the pool and I pushed them all out of my way to find out Adalina laying on the ground unconscious.

What the hell happened?!

I felt like my heart just dropped.

Ayla and Fazal were trying to wake her up while performing CPR but she wasn't showing any sign.

My heart was beating fast. I was getting scared of loosing her. I pushed Fazal away from her and decided to try for myself.

I was pressing my hands against her chest a few times. Unfortunately, it wasn't doing anything. I tried a few more times before having no more choice but to do mouth to mouth.

I did it about three times.

"Adalina please wake up.." Ayla was dead worried.

"Please.." I whispered.

Just when I thought there was no hope left she started coughing as she was regaining conscious.

Our eyes met and I could see that she wanted to cry. She looked scared and afraid. She suddenly wrapped her arms around me tightly.

This was the first time that she ever dared touch me and honestly it felt amazing.

I grabbed her bridal style and made my way out of this party. I got inside and saw Zahara standing in front of me her eyes wide.

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