Part 40- Family

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Adalina's POV.

Finally, we are at my parents house. I probably gained ten pounds after being forced by ammi jaan to eat all the dishes she made for me.

Honestly, I have been feeling so overwhelmed seeing my entire family after quite a while. My brother being protective but also enjoying Aslan's company is everything I ever wanted to see but not to forget how kind my parents have been towards him.

In fact, they spoiled him more than me. Aslan and I have been at their place for about a week sleeping in the guest room because my bed is too small for the both of us.

I can just feel how my mother would eavesdrop on the other side of our door to sense any type of tension which is simply not there because Aslan and I are in a healthy and loving relationship.

Therefore, I find it funny that she does so. It truly means that she cares for my well being and it melts my heart that as a mother she can't help herself from doing foolish things for her daughter.

For the first time, I saw a feeling shining on Aslan's face that I've never seen before. He looks happy, he's so kind and honest with my parents. There is not even one thing he had made up. I can be a mess too some times, he didn't say a word about it. He compliments me and brags about being in love with me.

I feel loved and precious. It almost brings me to tears. He talks and makes jokes with my brother and Abbu. When they are together, I don't exist. That's how good their bond seems to be and I love it.

Seeing all of these precious moments, makes me the happiest. I am beyond grateful. And, now I am certain that I would come back home.

After preparing breakfast with ammi jaan, I made my way to the bathroom. Somehow, since this morning I feel odd. I can't explain how I really feel however it's as if I could throw up at any other minute.

It's weird. I should probably see a doctor if it keeps on going for the rest of the day. I haven't told my parents, I don't want to worry them.

Aslan has already left for work and he'll be back after lunch so I won't bother him either.

I ate breakfast with my family as my brother would non stop bother me. I should be the one teasing him for still not being married but here we are. I think that's just his way of showing care though.

"I'm doing the dishes ammi jaan, go and rest now. You barely let me help you make the breakfast" I immediately stood up grabbing my plate before heading to the kitchen.

She works too much. At her age, she should rest more.

I cleaned all the dishes, wiped the counter one last time before making my way out of the kitchen when I suddenly stopped in the dining room holding my stomach as I felt something.

Oh my Allah, it's really coming out now.

I ran to the bathroom and got in before bending down to the bathroom and throwing up all my breakfast. Ugh, I feel incredibly awful right now.

I hate throwing up. Some just not right. I mean, I've only been eating home made food and made from ammi jaan's loving hands. How could I react this way?

I locked the bathroom door and took out my phone from my back pocket before searching online. What could be the reason for my being this way?

I ended up on a site that talked about pregnancy tests. Ya Allah! Could I be...pregnant?!!

At that moment, my heart started racing as fast as it could. What if I am actually...?

Right after realization hit me, I searched everywhere in the bathroom for a pregnancy test. Ammi jaan! There's got to be at least one somewhere in here! I was freaking out of excitement and nervousness.

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