Chapter 3: Par

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It was around 2:50 AM, and she couldn't sleep. She had her Chirp out of his pod and he was still running around, keeping her awake.

She chuckled, "Go to sleep." she groggily said.

The dragon then looked and squinted at her, then walked over to lay down.

"Oh, cool." she whispered, careful not to disturb him. She was too tired to even comprehend how that had even worked.

Nevaeh was on her front lawn, because Chirp wanted to, she wouldn't have otherwise. She didn't know exactly, but she gathered the idea due to the fact Chirp kept nipping at her feet as night fell. She stared at the stars going by. She thought about her parent's lesson on why the stars go fast.

After humanity evolved with more of a need to stay awake,due to predators becoming more hostile, they evolved to not need as much sleep. So humans engineered the Earth to move faster. They did this by 'cutting the Earth'.

They cut it so the world traveled through millions of dimensions, and traveling them was normal. Nevaeh didn't think so, but she decided to roll with it.

They made everyone face one way, then whilst it was universally nighttime (through all dimensions as well), the Earth would speed up.

Or so, that's what her Parents said. She never really understood it, thinking it all just got messed up over time, since that's what usually happens. It was too vague for Nevaeh's liking. It all just sounded like it was made up in the span of a few minutes.

Well, whatever it is, it probably doesn't matter. It's all too confusing anyway. Nevaeh thought.

Chirp then stood up, looking like a mix of confused and tired, and apparently grew. It had the exact same visuals as hatching, sudden and you have no idea what happens.

Chirp was now only up to her waist, in terms of size.

"Chirp! You grew!" she whisper-shouted.

Chirp chirped, looked at himself, then ran in circles around her. Nevaeh bent down and pet him. She would've picked him up, but he was far too heavy now. She hugged him, and rubbed his head. Chirp purred, then moved away and ran over to the street. Nevaeh watched him, then stood up quickly and ran over. The road was lined with lanterns instead of street lights, due to the fact that the lights wasted energy. Human's also ditched cars, due to previously not being able to see the sky through smog. Although, Nevaeh wouldn't have been sure that cars even existed, weren't it for all the remains in the ground. The smog had been cleared over the years, now it's hardly even noticeable.

Chirp squealed at the little bugs fluttering around in the light, then tried to eat them. Nevaeh smiled at him, then shuddered and looked up.

She saw the street lanterns about to go out with the slight breeze starting up. When she was a kid and saw the street lanterns go out, she would grab a match and relight them. Nobody ever noticed what she did, not even her parents, they were too busy with farm work. She never knew why she stopped, so why not start again?

She reached into her backpack and grabbed a box of matches, and walked over to one of the burnt out lanterns. She took a match out of the box, struck it, and held it in the canister until it relit. Chirp looked at Nevaeh with slight confusion, then followed her as she walked along her street, relighting the lanterns.

She continued to do this for the rest of the burnt out street lanterns on her street. After finishing, and Chirp being tired, she decided it was best if she went back to her base, and got a somewhat good sleep. Well, as good as being woken up constantly by Chirp's tosses and turns can be.

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