Truth Or drink

228 14 54

Kaminari's POV

When I went to work I was very very tired, but that's what energy drinks are for. The day dragged on, and at one point, I convince Sero that it would be a good idea if we went to a club on the other side of the city. He agreed and we found out Mina and Jirou had the same idea! Kiri was on board but it took some convincing to get Bakugou to come with us. After work, we all headed home to get ready. Soon we were off to the club all looking amazing. We got in and started dancing after getting drinks, Mina got me a banana peach smoothie with very high levels of vodka in it. 

A few hours in I spot a few familiar faces and work to avoid them, however, I wasn't the only one who knows people. I saw Bakubro practically get tackled by a guy with green hair. There was some yelling and we rushed over to keep Bakugou under control. Shortly after the green person's friends came over and we started a fun conversation. It was difficult to act like I didn't know Uravity, and Phantom Theif. "How does a drinking game sound to you guys?" Sero smiled at them as he asked. 

"Hang on let me just grab my roommate," The person with long green hair rushed away to find whoever their roommate was. I saw her come back dragging a protesting Shinsou. Fucking, this is just my luck. 

"Oh hey it's the guy I was dancing with earlier," Sero chuckled and pointed at Shinsou before using me and Mina as armrests. The girl, whose name I only know because Shinsou has talked about her, Asui, laughed and linked her arm with Shinou's.

 "This is my roommate Shinosu, he helped with my outfit," She twirled around before almost falling on the girl next to her, but she caught her. 

"Wow, guess you really fell for her," I laughed at my joke while my friends were trying to figure out where they had heard the name Shinsou before.  She got up and we headed to a table and got a shit ton of shots. 

"Alright, let's do truth or drink," This girl with black hair in a pony suggested, and what I assumed to be her bi-colored boyfriend agreed. We all agreed and started the game. "I'll go first, you with the black hair-"

"Name's Sero."

"Right, Sero, how old were you when you had your first drink?" Sero blinked a few times before taking a shot. We laughed which made him laugh so he almost choked on the liquor making us laugh more.

"Alright," Sero continued after we all called down. "Brunet."

"Uraraka Ochaco," She said with a smile.

"Love that name, so, do you listen to Girl In Red or Sweater Weather?" She laughed and adjusted her sleeves.

"Actually I listen to It Started With A Whisper by Neon Trees," We nodded with acknowledgment and others looked very confused. 

"All I know is she's pansexual. Is that what that means?" The broccoli-looking boy asked with slightly slurred speech.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP DEKU! Of course, that's what that means!" Bakugou yelled right in my ear and slowly laughter broke out over the table. 

"Kachan," He giggled slightly and pointed a finger to Bakubro's chest. "Shut the fuck up," This caused more laughter to spread across both the groups. Phantom Theif held back Deku while Kiri fought to keep Bakugou from killing anyone. 

"This violence and yelling are unneeded in this situation," The guy with blue hair pushed up his glasses and made a chopping motion. I looked over to Shinsou who was looking over his roommate's shoulder at her phone. They both seemed kinda out of place with their group. 

"Ok, Shinsou," Uraraka looked over at him and smiled catching his attention. "Do you listen to Sweater Weather or Lady Gaga or anything like that?" I had to stifle a laugh. Obviously, he's gay, I mean I know that.

"Whatever I feel like really," He shrugged slightly and for some reason, I felt shocked. I guess I didn't know him as well as I thought I did. "It's just whatever I'm in the mood for," Everyone nodded and we continued. "Sero, where did you learn to dance?"

"Well my papa taught me when I was young, but those ain't the only moves I got," Sero winked at Shinosu and it kinda caught me off guard because Sero almost always lets others make the first move. I rolled my eyes expecting nothing to happen and went to take a shot.

"You know, I might just take you up on that sometime," Shinosu smirked and I chocked. Literally, the shot I had taken, I did a spit take on it and started hacking my lungs out. I felt Mina patting my back and guiding me away with Jirou.

"Sorry, he must have started his period," Jirou joked and I heard the idle conversation happening back at our table as the game went on. "That was an awfully large reaction for someone you don't know flirting with Sero huh?"

I looked at them to see them both smirking at me. Shit, they figured it out. 

Shinsou's POV

That was an odd reaction. I just flirted back in hope of getting this gross sticky nasty feeling out of my stomach, but that was weird coming from Kaminari. He must have swallowed wrong. "Alright," Sero pointed at Asui. "You, what are your opinions on the beautiful woman sitting next to you?" Asui chuckled and took a shot very swiftly.

"Awww, reminds me of how you were just before I asked you on a date," Monama commented kissing Midoriya's cheek. The 'Kachan' guy gaged and turned away, only to be clung to by a guy with unnaturally red hair. 

"Ok, Iida," Asui looked over at the guy with glasses catching his attention. 

"As the designated driver I am not allowed to drink," He pushed up his glasses and crossed his arms.

"Then I guess you'll just have to tell the truth then," She giggled and proceeded with her question. "What's your type?"

He huffed slightly. "I am aromantic so I do not have a 'type' as you say," Asui nodded in understanding and apologized for assuming. I could tell she felt bad for being insensitive but had no complaints when Uraraka comforted her. Which even I had to admit was rather cute.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have an idea for club adventures please let me know, I might even use them *inconspicuous whistling*

But in all seriousness, I hope you are excited to see what's in store for Kaminari and Shinosou in the near future

Have a great day/night

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