Drunk Bakusquad

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Kaminari's POV

"BAKUBITCH?! Really!? I mean I know I'm a bitch but how many fucking nicknames are you guys gonna come up with that start with Baku'?!" Me and Sero stared at him slightly shocked but amused none the less. Mina was laughing like a madman since her cookie kicked in. Jirou was walking into the bar already, abandonment. Kiri chuckled slightly and guided Bakugou into the bar with the rest of us close behind.

We took a booth and ordered drinks, well, Mina and Sero ordered insane amounts of food...snaking on the cookies as we waited. Other than that, we got light drinks to start, knowing full and well Mina would turn into a drinking, and vomiting machine once those cookies wore off.

After about an hour or so Mina and Sero had already finished all of their food! They had ordered enough to feed a fucking army and it's gone! NO ONE ELSE EVEN HAD ANY! HOW!!??? Anyway, the cookies were starting to lose effect so Mina went off it play drinking games at the bar with random people. Sero on the other hand kept eating cookies and ordering more food and alcohol.

"Soy sauce, slow the hell down. Just because you don't work tomorrow doesn't mean you can blow out your gut!" Bakugou growled slightly and Sero chuckled while squinting throw his red eyes. Like blood red at this point.

"I won't Bakumom," He laughed again and his food arrived. "Thank you!" He smiled happily and began eating. "Anyone got eye drops?"

I chuckled being slightly tipsy. "You gonna eat those too?" Sero laughed along with me, or rather he giggled.

"No dude! Those are toxic!" We laughed more while Bakugou rolled his eyes at us. I laughed so hard I fell on the ground.

Jirou made a small hissing sound by sucking air in through her teeth. "You good my man?" I laid there on my back for a moment before I sat up. I laughed even harder than before with a small nod. I stood up and went to find Mina.

3rd Person POV

Kaminari found Mina playing beer pong and somehow got roped in as well. After about 20 minutes Kaminari dragged Mina to the dance floor and danced around with her for a while. Eventually, though Mina ran to the bathroom and began vomiting. "HA! I CALLED IT!" Kaminari shouted over the music. He danced around waiting for Mina.

Mina sat down with the squad and Kirishima was clutching his head being a lightweight. Mina placed her head on Sero's shoulder as she groaned. "I regret being born."

Jirou chuckled as she stood up to go retrieve the human Pikachu. She stumbled slightly making her laugh more. "It be like that sometimes though," She danced over to Kaminari and he laughed as she sat him at the bar beginning to order shots for them.

Jirou laughed as well confused, but her confusion is what she found funny. "Oh my god! Our hair is completely opposite of each other! Yellow with black accents, and purple with white ones!" Jirou gasped.

"YOU'RE SO RIGHT!" They both began laughing as they downed shots. "20 shot challenge?" Kaminari seemed to light up at her words.

"You are so on!" They ordered more and more shots until they each had 20 then started. They gathered attention from other people in the bar and people began placing bets. So many thought Kaminari would win, oh boy were they wrong. Kaminari still had 3 shots when Jirou finished.

"HOLY SHIT! How's it feel to lose to a girl man?" A random dude came up to Kaminari with a devilish look as Kaminari downed his last shot.

Both Jirou and Kaminari started laughing like madmen. "It feels awesome to lose to a lesbian don't it dear?" Jirou asked placing her elbow on Kaminari's shoulder while she smirked at the man.

"Oh yeah, feels great," Kaminari commented smirking as well and Jirou kissed his cheek leaving the man deeply confused. He left to prosses what he had just witnessed as the two laughed. Jirou then leaned away from Kaminari.

"Wow! Good job guys!" A slightly more sober Mina threw her arms around their necks with a smile. They all laughed at her as the other three came over. Due to being such a lightweight Kirishima was clinging off of Bakugou to stay up right. Sero was somehow still eating. Well, that's what being stoned tends to do to a person.

Kaminari laughed along with Jirou. "Thanks, but I'm gonna regret it on the morning," He laughed at his own joke and stood up stumbling slightly. He ran into some guy who stopped him from falling. "Oh wow- you're cute," Kaminari said with a small laugh.

"You ain't to bad yourself shorty," The man commented looking Kaminari up and down. Kaminari blushed and chuckled slightly. Jirou walked up and pulled Kaminari away from the shady guy.

"Hey! What are you doing Jack?" Jirou rolled her eyes and pulled him back to the group.

"You are drunk, I ain't letting you be dumb or go home with anyone," Kaminari pouted slightly as the rest of the group just sort of laughed at the two. Kaminari tryed to get away from her but failed miserably.

"But his green eyes and brown hair is so cute!" Jirou rolled her eyes and basically threw him in the booth sitting next him.

"I don't give a shit. You will thank me in the morning, if either of us can remember this that is," She laughed and elbowed him in the ribs as he giggled slightly. He elbowed her back and it just sort of became an elbowing match.

The rest of the group came over and sat with them and they all talked and had fun until about 2:30 when people started passing out. Yes, Mina had thrown up several other times before a very tired Bakugou drove them all home.

Hey guys...sorry I disappeared for a couple weeks but I git grounded...again XD

I hope you enjoyed this very chaotic chapter because it was fun to write and re-read

Have a great day/night

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