Chapter 2- Tough Roommates

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Ruv and Sarvanete were walking around the school with Lucy and her boyfriend Keith, they were showing the two around the whole school since they had some free time before going home, "And this is the gym- Ah!" Lucy squealed when a basketball came so close to hitting her if it hadn't hit the wall instead, Ruv saw Whitty laughing is ass off along with some other redhead boy.

"Dude, that was not cool! You could've hurt her!" Keith yelled, Whitty came closer to us and picked up the ball before shoving Keith to the floor.

Lucy immediately helped him up and backed away from the bomb, Ruv wasn't paying any attention and dozing off into space so Whitty took this as an opportunity to pick on him.

He threw the ball at Ruv, but the Russian just struck it down without even looking at it and it hit the floor exploding from impact, Whitty was speechless. "Uh... Ruv? Hello? Earth to Ruv!" Sarvanete poked her friend's cheek trying to get his attention, Whitty was shocked, if Ruv hadn't been paying attention to him. Then how did he destroy that ball?

Sarvanete was finally able to get Ruv's attention and then she pointed over to Whitty, "What?" He asked obviously confused as hell, "Idiot, you literally just destroyed that entire ball after he threw it at you." Sarvanete said with a sigh, "Okay? Sorry I guess." Ruv said turning around and walking away.

Lucy and Keith followed him while Sarvanete stayed behind for a little, "What just happened?" Whitty asked with a growl, "Ruv has fast reflexes. Even if he's not paying attention, he can still do something like that..." Sarvanete replied pointing at the mutilated basketball on the floor.

"Anyway, bye!" She then ran away and caught up with the other three, Ruv was walking behind Lucy and Keith with his hands in his pockets while Sarvanete walked beside him.

Eventually the tour ended and Ruv's had memorized every single location in this school, "Oh, the dorms will open tomorrow, I hope you guys are ready. The school pairs students randomly so you'll have to prepare yourselves." Lucy said, Sarvanete suddenly giggled and looked up at Ruv. "What happens if you get matched with bomb boy!" She laughed only to get her face punched, "Don't jinx me Lucifer."





"Unholy fool!"

"Whatever you say, God's-"

"Just shut up!" Sarvanete shoved her hand on Ruv's face basically just slapping and pushing him away at the same time, "You're the reason I was rejected anyway!" She huffed, Keith was cackling so loudly from their childish bickering.

"We have to go to the church now, see you tomorrow!" Sarvanete was quick to change the topic and she dragged Ruv away, Lucy and Keith went their separate way and everything was fine after a few minutes when Ruv suddenly turned around and caught a rock that had been thrown at him.

"You dropped something." He said, throwing it back to the person who started all of this, Whitty. The rock hit the bomb's head and it immediately exploded causing his body to go limp and fall to the ground.

Carol wasn't far behind from her boyfriend and she immediately ran to him, "Oh no! Hey, I know I was nice to you at lunch but this is just bullshit!" She yelled, "He was the one who started it girly! Now I'll be fucking off!" Ruv gave her the middle finger and walked back home with Sarvanete.

+The next day+

Ruv stood by the staircase looking at the list of dorms, he was matched up with someone named Whitmore it was an odd name but it had a nice ring to it, he took his bags and ran up the stairs all the way to the 5th floor without breaking a sweat. He opened the room door with his key and walked inside to find that his roommate wasn't here yet, he decided to check the place out first.

There was one bathroom, a small living room, a laundry room and a shared bedroom with separate beds.

Ruv just took the left side of the room so that his roommate could have the right side, there were two closets on each side off the room and Ruv quickly began arranging his stuff.

{Ruv's POV}

I put my medications and first aid supplies into one drawer while the rest was all my other stuff, I enjoyed my time being alone because I will soon have a roommate, I don't know if they're going to be annoying or not so I'll just savor my precious time.

"See ya Hex!"

Shit! It's Whitty, wait-- Whitmore, Whitty. How come I didn't notice?! The name Whitty wasn't even on the list!

I hear the front door close and footsteps approaching the room, I just stayed calm pretending I didn't hear anything once he came inside. I immediately turned around and caught a rock that was about to hit me, "You do have fast reflexes Ruvyzvat..." He smirked at me, I just turned my attention back to my stuff without saying anything it seemed like he wasn't pleased by that.

"I could literally kill you in your sleep. Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you!" He raised his voice at me.

I don't like this... It's giving me tooany flashbacks of my childhood life, being yelled at, being hit, having people throw random items at you. "There's nothing to talk about." I say, my voice sounded like it had no life to it, I hate having to hear it like that.

Warning- Physical harm, Blood & Self harm

Whitty came closer to me and grabbed me by the hood yanking it up before punching me in the gut, "I know, but you'll be so much more fun to beat up!" Whitty yelled, punching me over and over again. I stumble to the floor and then he started kicking me, those flashbacks came back to me and ate their way into my mind, I covered my ears while shaking and tearing up.

The pain was bearable but those memories weren't, "You aren't so tough now-!" Whitty suddenly exploded, by jacket got torn from the explosion along with pieces of metal that penetrated my skin. Hyperventilating, I rush to get my first aid supplies letting Whitty's headless body fall limp on the floor, blood was soaking my clothes, the metal bits were jabbed into my flesh but I couldn't feel them due to my adrenaline.

I gently slip my jacket off, my sleeveless turtle neck sweatshirt wasn't in such a good condition, metal shards were in my hips and stomach.

A huge shard was in my scarred right arm, scars were everywhere on my arms from times I had cut.

I took the tweezers out starting to gently pull out the shards on me, good thing none of them got into my face didn't need another scar there. After a bit I started disinfecting my wounds, then a thought slipped into my mentally ill mind, I took a bloodied shard and started cutting my left arm which was unharmed, after 13 cuts I disinfected them and wrapped myself up in bandages.

Whitty was still headless on the floor of the room so this was a good opportunity to get rid of the evidence.

I put on a new sweater which had lomg sleeves this time and shoved my bloodied clothes into a laundry basket. "Ruv! What happened, where are you?!" Whitty's head was back in place, I walk back into our room to find him looking all worried and stuff, "Thank God you're not dead! I didn't mean to explode, I-- I shouldn't be worried about you." His face changed from worry to annoyance as he realized it was me he had been worrying about.

"... It's K..."

Our relationship as roommates could either got really good or really bad.

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