刀モ丹刀 モれ刀

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Matsuda called out as Mirai collapsed to the ground. Unable to process what had just happened he looked up to Light, his eyes full of pure hatred and confusion.

Light simply grinned back at him, like a 5 year old who had lost their first tooth.

"What did you do to her!"
Matsuda screamed, his gun pointed at Light, although he already knew the answer before Light said it.

"What does it look like? She's dead, and I killed her."
"Why you!"

💥 Bang! 💥 Bang! 💥 Bang!

Matsuda shot in rage and despair at Light, not even bothering to aim properly, although he still ended up hitting Light.

Light ducked for cover, grabbing Mirai's limp body and using it as a shield against Matsuda's bullets.

Instantly Matsuda stopped firing.

"What's wrong Matsuda? Why aren't you firing? Or are you afraid you'll hit this dead corpse, huh? Pretty pathetic if you ask me!"

He howled with laughter, all while everyone stared in shock at their dead friend, who had given her life to save so many. And yet this psycho who had just killed her showed no sympathy, throwing her body around as though she was nothing but a waste of space. Something that had only ever gotten in his way.

Mirai's POV

LOL, this guys so stupid.

I raised my leg and hit him where it hurts, hard. He fell back in pain as I broke free from his grasp and hit him full on in the face followed by the sound of what to seemed to be a broken nose.

YOLO so you may as well break Kira's nose while your at it.

Oh and BTW, if you haven't already noticed, I'm a pretty good actress if I don't say so myself.

Light howled in pain, clutching his face.

"You really thought it would be that easy to get rid of me?"
I asked, looking at him straight in the eye.

Sighing one of the task force members walked over,

"Face it Light, it's over."
He pulled out a pair of hand cuffs and was about to hand cuff Light, but Light stumbled away out of his reach.


Light cried out in anger, and yet again began to search for an exit. Even if there were one Light would not survive either way, with his broken nose and multiple bullet wounds, right now he was as good as dead.

I can't believe its over, I thought, staring at Light in dismay. Now what am I going to do? Over the past few years not once did I consider what I would once I had finished all this. Would I get a job and continue my life as a normal person? I'm now 16, so in not really old enough to live alone. I guess I'll just have to figure it out as I go.


I can't believe I'm about to finish this! 😭 I mean, I what to, but then I don't coz its soooo much fun writing for you guys. One more chapter after this, and I just don't know how the hell I'll be able to bring myself to write it!

Bi, thnx for reading!

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