Chapter 7

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Willow's POV

"Last night I had this really weird but vivid dream." I take a deep breath, Why am I telling them this? I barely know them? "Well I was in this meadow and I see a bunch of wolves but one stood out from the rest. I knew I should've been scared but I wasn't. I felt... I don't know... safe."

"What did the wolf look like?" Lani asked leaning forward.

"Like a giant Husky but he had these bright amber eyes that seemed to glow." They all set their drinks down and the rest leaned forward slightly too. Their eyes kept darting to Dom and back to me. Dom held me a little tighter.

"What happened in the meadow?" Jenna asked almost in a whisper.

"Well there were other wolves that surrounded me and Tavan."

"Wait,What did you say?" Graden asked. This was the first time that I had actually heard his deep bass voice. It almost sounded like a growl it was so low.

I licked my lips that suddenly felt very dry as my eyes bounced from person to person all of them staring at me so intently it was making me second guess telling them my dream. "Um, the.. uh... the other wolves surrounded me and Tavan. That's the name of the giant husky wolf." The room was absolutely silent except for the crackling of the fire. Everyone's eyes seemed to be slightly glazed over and not focusing on anything in particular. "Does that... um... what I mean to say is.... You know what never mind. Forget I said anything it was just a silly dream. My subconscious's way of making sense of the howling that was going on all night." I tried to back track. I wished I had just kept my damn mouth shut.

Jenna quickly shook her head and said "Sorry for being so quiet, it's just a.. uh... very interesting dream. Was there anything else that stood out to you?"

"Well, how much do you guys know about wolves?" I asked.

Apparently they all thought this was an amusing question because they all started chuckling. "We know more than the average person. Why?"Jasper replied

"Do wolves purr, like a cat?" I asked. I had never heard of a wolf purring or any member of the dog family for that matter but Tavan definitely was purring in my dream.

Jasper answered, "It's not common but if a wolf is very happy it has been known to happen. Did Tavan, that was his name right?" I nodded my head to confirm he had the name correct. "Well, did Tavan purr in your dream?"

"Yes he did, when I was scratching behind his ears and down his neck. It's weird because I can't typically feel textures of things in my dreams but I could tell that his fur was soft and smooth like silk." I said getting a kind of far away dreamy tone in my voice.

"Looks like someone has a crush on a dream wolf." Lani teased while taking a sip of her colorful drink.

I pressed my hands to my cheeks as I felt them heat up again with a silly blush. Dom leans down and whispers "I think your blushes are cute." then kisses me on the temple. I think at this point it looks like I have 2 tomatoes on my face, no way is that cute.

"Well that sounds like a very interesting dream, you should let me know if you have any more." Lani says.

After that the conversation turns to much lighter topics as they start telling stories of their kids' antics when they were younger. I would be lying if I said my heart didn't hurt a little bit with longing.

After a while the front door burst open and it sounded like a herd of elephants came tromping in. "So this is where the old folks have run off to." A somewhat familiar voice called out before the group rounded the corner into the living room.

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