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Willow's POV

"I don't know how we are going to do the ceremony or the pack run with the weather looking like this" I lament as I gaze out the kitchen window at what can only be described as a blizzard. I can't see the end of the patio let alone the trees beyond.

"It's supposed to clear up by this afternoon. It just means more fun of running through all that fresh powder." Jasper says from the table where everyone else has gathered to gobble up the enormous breakfast that Jenna made.

"I can't wait to shift again as soon as little lady here decides to make her grand entrance." Jenna says while patting her belly.

"Willow, if it continues to snow we will just run in it. You will be plenty warm riding Tavan." Lani reassured me.

Dom wrapped his arms around me. "Are you nervous about the snow or about the ceremony?" he asked me in a hushed tone.

"Both. What if the pack doesn't want me to be a part of it? What if I'm rejected by them?" I can't keep the tremor from my voice as I whisper my insecurities before biting my lip to keep it from trembling.

"Not possible." Graden's voice rumbles from the table. He looks up from his plate and locks eyes with me. "Name one person you have met here in Snow Moon that has not accepted you with open arms, I'll wait." then he bent his head down and resumed eating.

I stopped and thought back to everyone I had met. Sure I got a lot of looks when I first got to town but no one, not a single person had been anything but absolutely welcoming. Well accept for that one guy in the mall but I'm not sure he counted. "You're right." I responded while leaning into Dom.

"What did you have to say that for! Now he will never shut up about being right!" Lani threw her hands up in exasperation with a groan.

"What are you talking about? He rarely talks." I reply confusedly.

"He talks to me all the time through the mind-link." Lani dropped her head in her hands but immediately snaps it up glaring at Graden "Yes I know Willow said you were right. That doesn't mean you can use that for every argument we have from now on."

I look over at Graden who's shoulders are slightly shaking from what looks like laughter but he is continuing to eat like nothing is going on. I look up at Dom who is also trying really hard to hold in his laughter.

Just as the weatherman predicted the snow stopped and the skies cleared by mid afternoon. Lia, Lani, and Jenna surprised me with an exquisite dress that was silver and green with a matching green cape that was lined with white fur. I stood in front of the full length mirror running my hands down the fur edges hoping that it would have the same calming effect as when I run my hands through Tavan's fur with no such luck.

"You look absolutely breathtaking." Dom's voice flowed over me like warm honey. "Are you ready to head over to the pack house?"

I turn around and look at what he is wearing and it is a simple pair of slacks and a button down shirt. "I feel very over dressed."

"You look perfect." he kisses me gently on top of my hair that is done simply by being braided into a crown around my head.

"Let's go before my nerves get the better of me." He took my hand and kissed me gently on my knuckles before leading me downstairs and out the back door. "Aren't we going to drive?"

"It's easier if I just run us over that way after the pack run we don't have to worry about the car we can just come straight back here and have our own personal celebration." He winked as he started to get undressed.

"Aren't you cold?" I ask with a shiver as I pull my cape tighter around me.

He leaned over and kissed the tip of my nose "Werewolves rarely feel cold." He picked up his clothes "Do you mind holding these for a moment?" Just as I took the clothes from him he stepped back and shifted. Afterwards he walked back over to me and gently took his clothes in his mouth before leaning down to make it easier for me to climb on his back in my dress. I arranged the skirt to make sure my legs wouldn't get chilled on the way over. "Hold on tight I'm going to run pretty fast otherwise we'll be late." I hear Dom's voice in my head.

As soon as I laid flat against his neck and grabbed on he took off like a shot. The trees were a blur of brown and white in what felt like a blink of an eye we were right inside the forest edge where I slid off Dom's back and he dropped his clothes into my waiting arms before quickly shifting back into his human form and getting dressed again. Hand and hand we walked around the corner of the pack house and the sight that greeted me had me stopping in my tracks. Hearing how big the pack is and seeing it are two very different things. I see at the far end of the clearing a stage with a huge bonfire in front of it then there were the people filling the space between the stage nearly all the way to the pack house all are standing, all are waiting. You think of a small town and a few thousand people seems like the right number but to see the majority of those few thousand people in a single gathering can be very overwhelming especially when a silent cue goes through the crowd and they all turn to you at the same time and stare.

Dom leaned down and whispered gently in my ear "Are you ready to become an official member of a werewolf pack?"

I can feel all my anxiety and fears start to concentrate on my heart and I look up into Dom's eyes and there is a sudden whoosh in me as all of that disappears. All that is left is a feeling of complete peace. This is where I belong right here with them, with him. This is home.

AN: Thank you for reading my first book. Follow my page for more stories, I have tons floating around in my head.

Make good choice and be kind to one another!

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