Chapter Twenty Two

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Blair POV
    "Hey" Drew smiled at me. His smile, similar to Grayson's but not. The only difference are the dimples. When Grayson genuinely smiles you can see his.

   Drew is here to pick me up for our date. Double date. When I got a text from Gray asking if I was free Saturday, I thought it was to hangout with him. Maybe even the guys. So of course I said yes. If I knew that he was going to ask me on a double date, I would of told him I was busy.

   "Drew" I smiled. A fake one of course. He was a sweet guy, even really cute. The Heart family was filled with bless genes. But his eyes were dark blue, not the ones I wanted to be looking at.

   But he was sweet, and I didn't deserve it. "You look beautiful." I look down at my outfit. The plan was to go to the pier, so I decided to wear shorts and a simple top.

   "Thanks, you also look good." He laughed at that, and started driving. Seriously, you also look good? My cheeks blush red in embarrassment.

   I was under the impression that all four of us were driving together. Grayson texted me last minute apologizing, saying that Ashlyn insisted we went separate.

   "So," he starts to say.


   "We should ask each other questions, to get to know each other better." I laugh at that. "Don't laugh at me," he says. "I don't really go on dates, I don't know how this works."

   My eyes widen in shock. "You don't go on a lot of dates?"

   "You ask like thats shocking." Because it is, I check him out. He's a very handsome, genuine guy. There's no way he doesn't get girls.

   "I'm just a little surprised, that's all."

   "I was in a serious relationship for almost four years." I knew not to ask about it. I might me stupid but not stupid enough to forget the most important rule about first dates. Do NOT talk about exes.

   "Wow, you Heart boys pick a girl and really commit."

   "Yea, if we like something we go for it." He turns his head away from the road and gives me a smile. I turn away, looking at the window, trying to hide my newly pink cheeks.

   "Ok first question, what's your favorite color?"

   "That's the question you pick?" He laughs.

   "Oh be quiet and answer."

   "Green," Was his answer. "What's yours?"

   "Pink." He laughed at that. Don't know why it was funny. "Next question."

   "What's your favorite animal?" He asks. I turn my head and look at him. He senses staring and looks my way. I make a face at him. "What? That's a way better question than yours."

   I roll my eyes and answer. "I don't really have one, if I had to pick maybe like, I don't know, a sea otter?"

   Our game of questions goes on until we get to the pier. I text Grayson that we're here, and he tells me where we should park.

   Once we pull up, we see Grayson and Ashlyn waiting outside their car. There's luckily a spot open next to them. Grayson waves when he notices us. Once we pull into the spot, he comes to my side and opens the door for me.

   "I was going to do that." Andrew said clearly annoyed. Andrew, I found out that's his full name.

   "You missed your chance bro."

   I catch Ashlyn's eye. I see something flicker in it but I can't pinpoint what it was. Was she annoyed he opened my door?

   Whatever it was quickly went away. She turned her head and called Grayson's name. He slowly walked over to her, and she grabbed his hand. "Do you want me to hold your hand?" Andrew asks me, "oh shoot, I shouldn't have asked. Ignore that I asked you that."

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