Chapter Four

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Blair POV.

   "Let's talk about sex baby." I sing on the way to school. Today is finally Friday, meaning the party is tonight. And I want. To. Get. Drunk. Believe me, I don't need to get drunk to have fun but it for sure helps. Especially since I'm going to a party for the first time in awhile.

   I pull up to the school. Today I'm wearing a tight red body-con dress, a white oversized zip up hoodie, and my white air forces. Last year, the student council had a meeting with the teachers trying to get rid of our uniforms. They ended up coming to an agreement by letting us wear whatever we wanted on Fridays, and our uniforms the other days.

   "My love!" I hear Natalie shout to me while I walked up to our lockers. I laugh and roll my eyes at her.

   "Lookin good" I say to her, and she did. Natalie always looks good no matter what she wears, she is naturally gorgeous. She has long brown hair, perfectly tanned skin, and huge green eyes.

   "Right back at you, you hot piece of ass" she replies. "Are you excited for tonight?"

   "As excited as I can be" I replied. Was I excited? Kinda, kinda not. I have no idea, I'm indecisive. Today is the day I try to make a move on Grayson. Which I'm kinda oof about.


   Today went by fast and I am now on my way to my last period. Natalie had a doctors appointment, so she had to leave school early. I enter the class being one of the first people there and head to my desk.

   A couple minutes go by and more people start to fill in. "Where's your girlfriend, Knight?" I look up to see Grayson talking to me.

   "At the doctors" I simply say. I know he's talking about Natalie. Zack has a joke that he always feels like he's third wheeling me and her instead of me third wheeling them. So him and his friends call us the girlfriends.

   "Good afternoon class" Mr Harvey starts, "today we will be working in groups of four for the worksheet due by the end of this period."

   Fuck. I am not friends with anyone in this class. The only person I'm friends with is Natalie and of course she had to be gone today. I just hope he assigns groups do it saves me from the embarrassments.

   "You may pick your groups" he says. Great.

   "Hey sweetheart!" I turn around to face the owner of the voice. Noah. I point a finger to myself asking if he's talking to me. He eagerly nods his head. "Do you want to be in our group?"

   "What the hell dude?" Says Grayson. God such an asshole. Normally I would say no without a single thought or heartbeat. But to spite him. I think I'll say yes. Plus the whole, Oh I kinda want to sleep with him thing.

The whole idea of me sleeping with him came from a dream earlier this week. I know, a stupid dream. Now because of that stupid dream I can't stop thinking about him. Not in a ,"oh I've realized I'm actually deeply completely in love with him" kind of way but in a "damn has he always been this hot and I've never noticed, and now I want to sleep with him because I can't stop thinking about sleeping with him" kind of way.

And believe me, I hate the guy. So thinking about him and his body and what his body could do, is really annoying. So I think my solution is to sleep with him. Like a one and done thing. Like a sleep with him once and get him out of my system thing.

   "Sure" I say, flipping off Grayson. He huffs and rolls his eyes. We all turn our desk to make one big table, all of us facing each other.

   "You any good at this stuff?" Asks Carter.

   "No, not really" I reply embarrassed.

   "Oh great" mumbles Grayson. We start working and I'm genuinely surprised. Grayson and Carter are quick and good at the problems. Noah is more like me and we are taking a little longer.

   "Fuck me" mumbled Grayson. I turn my head to see the rest of the guys laughing while Grayson holds his now bleeding paper cut finger.

   "Only if you ask nicely" I smirk at him. This results in more laughs from Noah, Carter choking on his water, and Grayson staring at me with wide eyes.

    "Damn sweetheart, if you're going to make a move on him at least ask him to a movies first" laughed Noah.

   "Why watch a movie when we could make one?" I raised an eyebrow. I look at the boys to see now three sets of wide eyes. I laugh at my own joke and continue to work on my paper. Maybe I am being a little too straight forward.

We are all finished with only a couple minutes left in class. I volunteer to turn in our group's papers. When I walk back to the desk I see the boys all whispering to each other. "What are you guys whispering about?" I ask.

   "Grayson is just saying how good you look in red" smirked Carter.

   "And we were just agreeing with him" smiled Noah. This earned them both a punch in the arm from Grayson. So he likes me in red...good to know.

   "Maybe I did say that, so what?" Said Grayson. "It's not like you don't know it."

   "You're going to Zack's tonight right?" Questioned Carter. I nod my head yes.

   "Can I suggest you keep this dress on and wear it to the party for me tonight?" smirked Grayson. My eyebrows raise in response, see the thing is, Grayson hardly flirts with me. Why? Don't know. Probably the fact he hates me. So this is a shock. Maybe being straight forward is working.

   "Maybe" I smirked back. "Any suggestions on what to wear under it?" Grayson's eyes darken and I see him take a deep breath. Got him. As I said, boys are boys. Hate me or not, I'm hot, and boys get horny and have needs.

   "Damn, what was in your cereal?" Noah looks around with wide eyes. "Like for real? I would of never, ever!" He emphasized "Would of thought I would see the day where Blair Knight would flirt with Grayson fucking Heart."

   "Do you think hell froze over?" Laughed Carter, joining in on the joke. "Are you the real Blair Knight?" He squinted his eyes at me and poked me. I laugh and push his finger away.

   "I don't know if you're kidding Blair, but did you forget that we hate each other? I am not sleeping with you" that was Grayson. I roll my eyes and shake my head. The bell rings and I stand up.

   "We'll see" I reply grabbing my bag and walking out. Him saying he didn't want to sleep with me, just made me want to sleep with him more.

   "Damn, she's hot" I hear Carter whisper to them while I walked out.

   "Mmhmm" Noah agrees.

   "Oh shut up" huffs Grayson.


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