Chapter Twenty Six

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Blair POV.

If I knew they were spending Christmas at the Heart's, I would of not gone. I guess I'm stupid to not think that they would. Of course they would be spending Christmas together, they're family. Grayson even told me before that they always do. I just didn't think about it.

We are currently walking up to his door, and are about to knock. This sucks. Gracie, Grayson's sister, is the one to open the door. She hugs her aunt and cousin.

   Her eyes widen when she notices me. "Blair, hi!" She hugs me and masks her shock.

"We told your mom we were bringing Blair." Lisa smiles

"Oh yea, I know. She told us an extra guest was coming, she just didn't tell us it was Blair." Oh great. "But I'm happy you're here!" She smiles. If she didn't know I was coming, that meant Grayson didn't know. Maybe I could avoid him the whole time, that would be great.

   We walk into the kitchen and say hi to Charlotte. "Thank you so much for having me." I smile and hug her.

"Of course."

We are about to walk outside to say hi to the rest, they have a huge family. But I stop when I see Grayson talking to a young guy. "I'm going to get a drink first." I say hoping it wasn't obvious I was avoiding him.

"Ok," Emma smiles and walks out. I walk to the bar area with all the drinks. I'm just getting water, but right now all I see is alcohol. I'm sure the water is here somewhere.

"Are you making yourself a drink?" A guy's voice says behind me.

"No, but I can make you one." I turn and smile at him.

"I don't drink." My eyes widen with recognization. You're kidding me. Standing in front me is a beautiful guy. One that looks exactly like Drew and Grayson. Jake, the brother thats in rehab. I offered to make a sober man a drink. I'm an idiot.

"Jake!" My eyes are still wide in shock.

"I'm sorry, have we met before?" He asks. "I'm sure I'd remember a face as beautiful as yours."

I laugh, "Wow, you're definitely one of the Heart brothers. But no we haven't, I've just heard about you."

"All good things I'm hoping," he gives me a charming smile. Charming was the best word to describe him.

"I'm Blair," I reach out my hand and his eyes widen, he shakes my hand. "You've heard about me?" I smirk.

"Yes, I have." His shock expression leaves and turns into a mischievous one.

"All thing good?" I tease.

"Definitely not." He teases back and I laugh. I was about to ask him to explain, when a voice interrupts us.

"Blair?" Jake and I turn our head to Grayson. "I didn't know you were coming."

"I didn't know either." We are just standing and looking at each other. This is so awkward. Jake clears his throat.

"Blair definitely lives up to her reputation." Jake smirks.

"Oh yea, and what is my reputation?"

"That you are so beautiful and charming." Jake laughs.

"Who gave you that idea? Was it Andrew? I know for a fact that isn't how Gray would describe me." Jake laughs and shakes his head.

"You'd be surprised how he describes you..." Jake is cut off by Grayson clearing his throat.

"So what have you guys been talking about?" Grayson asked a little flustered.

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