(22) The Lou Pine's Bar

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Jackie’s eyes settled on mine as soon as Colt took a step away from me and I knew that she sensed that something was wrong between him and me. I wanted to go up to Jackie right then and there and drag her off somewhere private so that I could just lay everything out to her but I knew that it would be the wrong thing to do. One thing would end up leading to another and I would most likely say something that would be better off not knowing. So I simply shook my head at her and silently hoped that she would just let it go but as soon as I saw her lips pucker I knew that it wasn’t going to happen.

Linc must have noticed that something was bothering me as well because instead of greeting his longtime friend, he brushed right by him and skipped over to me. His smile was friendly as he skidded to a halt beside me before slinging his arm around my shoulders.

“What’s a pretty lady like you frowning about?” He asked with a gentle but amusing smile on his face.

Whenever Linc was around me he made me feel like the center of attention and given the way he had just ignore Colt like that made me feel like I was a more important friend. However because I really didn’t know all that much about him or how to really react around him I just ended up staring at him.

Did he really just blow off Colt to come see what was wrong with me? I glanced over at Colt and ended up wishing that I hadn’t. His arms were crossed over his broad chest and legs were spread apart showing both his displeasure and dominance. An all too familiar tingle shimmed its way up my spine from staring at his intimidating figure and I quickly had to avert my eyes.

“Are you two fighting or something?” Linc asked worriedly as his eyes flickered between Colt and me.

Not wanting Colt’s and my fight to be the main point of the evening I quickly denied it. “Oh no, we’re not fighting we’re just…” I bit the inside of my cheek as I thought of believable lie but nothing was really coming to mind.

Luckily Colt ended up saving me from the embarrassment of lying and answered Linc, “I think we’re both a little cranky.”

Both Linc and I looked over at him as he made his way closer to the two of us. With each step that he took I could feel my heart beat harder inside of me. The way he moved so stealthily and full of purpose was enough to make the other wolves in the bar turn their heads, but those hard green eyes of his were trained on only one person; me. Those striking green eyes held my every attention as he neared, almost challenging me to disagree with what he was saying.

“The building next to mine was having some work done and neither of us could stand all the noise that came with the repairs.” He stopped only a few steps away from me and leaned on his right leg to make it look like he was at ease but I could see the tension in his shoulders.

“Is that so?” Linc asked suspiciously with his left eyebrow arched.

“Yeah,” I spoke with a tight throat but my voice managed to come out normal. “The noise is really putting us on edge and we’ve been at each other’s throats later but don’t worry too much about it okay? The construction workers shouldn’t be there much longer anyway so we’ll be back to normal soon.” I ended my lie with a shy smile to Linc.

“We’re actually really gratefully that you invited us out here so that we could get away from all of that.” Colt added with a smile of his own at Linc making any bit of doubt that he had about our lie wash away. “So what was the reason for inviting us out here?”

Linc’s smile broadened as his eyes found Jackie. “Well I think the news might be a little better coming from my wife.”

Jackie giggled more to herself than to any of us as she slowly made her way over to her husband. The glow that was coming from the two of them was magnificent and I could feel there happiness and excitement like a gentle caress. Jackie linked her arm around him and leaned up against him before looking over at Colt. Colt looked back over at me to probably see if I was as curious as he was as to why they had called us out to dinner, but since I already knew why I simply smiled over at him knowingly.

“Well you see,” Jackie started out with a large smile. “I’m pregnant.”

As if I was hearing this for the first time all over again I let out a laugh of excitement before running over to Jackie and embracing her in a hug.

“Congratulations!” I squealed loudly and ended up making Jackie laugh.


I held her there for a moment and just let the smell of pumpkin spice fill the air around us. When I finally managed to pry myself away from her I could feel a little catch in the back of my throat as well as see the misty glaze that covered my eyes. I knew that I was being overemotional but I couldn’t help it. Because I had been alone for most of my life I had never seen a pup or baby before and now that Jackie was pregnant, I felt as if some unheard wish was being granted.

Without even thinking about it I suddenly touched a hand to my own stomach and wondered when I would be able to have a pup. My eyes drifted over to Colt, who had been strangely quiet the whole time, and I felt a slight flutter in the pit of my stomach knowing that this strong dominant wolf would be the father of my pups one day. But when that would happen was beyond me. Colt wouldn’t even completely mate with me because he was afraid that Kirk would find out and try to kill me.

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