(18) The Threat

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  • Dedicated to FallingUp.

Without even taking the time to worry about my own safety anymore I flung myself back into the crowd in search of my pregnant friend. Taking into account the amount of people that were in the mall I quickly discarded the idea of merely looking for her, and calling out for her would only give away my own position, so instead I relied heavily on my nose. It took me a few moments to sort out all of the different smells and in those precious moments I feared that Jackie might have already bumped into Kirk.

As soon as I latched onto the pumpkin spice scent I followed it. I prayed that I was hopefully following the right trail and when it lead me to where the bathrooms were I knew that I was defiantly on the right track. The scent there was strong meaning that she was either in there or had just left. I dashed into the bathrooms yelling out her name. A few ladies that were in their turned their heads and gave me a weird look but I too worried about Jackie to actually care about them.

I waited there for a response and when it didn’t come I felt my chest tighten in a frightened manner. The possibility of finding Jackie before she bumped into Kirk was slipping out of my grasp. If I didn’t find Jackie soon…. I shook my head at the thought and hurriedly exited the bathroom. It didn’t take me long to relocated her scent again and once I was on it, everything else became background noise.

Normally I would take care not to bump into humans or act strangely around them but now was no time to deal with any of that nonsense. Jackie’s scent lead started to lead back to where she had left me before going to the bathroom and I instantly felt even more on edge because that was also where I had left Kirk. Without even thinking about whether or not Kirk was still there I quickly ran through the crowd of people.

My head was inclined upwards, trying to get a better look where the couch was in the mall, and then I saw her. Her back was turned towards me as she sat on the couch waiting for me. Relief shook my entire body at seeing Jackie there and perfectly unharmed. Her shoulders lifted slightly as she took in another breath and her arms moved as she made a gesture. I could feel my brow frown in confusion at the last part.

Quickly, so that Kirk noticed that Jackie was here I made my way over to her. It wasn’t I was in ear shot that I realized that Jackie was talking to someone. At that exact moment Jackie reached down into one of the bags that was lying on the floor and gave me a clear shot at the person she was talking to.

I could feel my heart lodge itself in my throat when I noticed the dark blonde hair. No, I thought as a feeling of dread slipped into my stomach. This can’t be happening right now, Kirk can’t just appear like this and ruin my semi-perfect life! The possibility of running away and leaving Jackie behind never even crossed my mind. Even if Kirk didn’t manage to piece together that she and I were friends, I still couldn’t leave her with a monster like him.

My eyes started to water with fear and pain as I slowly forced myself to keep walking forward. I felt like I was walking towards the edge of a high cliff that would surely end in my demise if I were to continue onwards but I couldn’t leave Jackie behind. Colt slowly started too materialized into my thoughts.

I would never be able to smell his clover and woodsy scent again, I would never be able to feel the warmth of his skin as he held me close at night again, I would never hear his deep husky voice, or be able to looking into his beautiful greens eyes if I continued. But I didn’t stop. I locked the thoughts of Colt away in my heart and swallowed as hard as I possibly could. In this moment I had to be strong, I had to be fearless, and damn it I had to be an Alpha.

Kirk’s black eyes looked up at me as I approached and the smile that expanded on his face was one of victory. He leaned closer to Jackie and let his hand hover over the back of her neck, letting me know that his intentions if I chose to run. I paused for a moment in the mall and just stared at his hand but before I could become consumed with fear I took a deep cleansing breath, collected myself, and walked over to them.

Jackie noticed my scent as soon as I reached the couch, and then she straightened herself up and smiled over at me. “There you are,” She spoke in a cheerful tone. “I’ve been waiting here for the past ten minutes for you missy and would have started to worry if Kirk here hadn’t shown up.”

Kirk rested his arm on the back of the couch behind her but kept his gaze on me. “It’s so nice to see you again.” He smirked.

My stared turned into a glare of pure hatred right then and there and I found myself wishing that Kirk didn’t have freakish healing ability so that I could have marveled over the broken nose I had given him. The wolf inside of me wanted nothing more than the taste his blood filling the inside of my mouth again, but my human side was too wary to even touch him much less attack him. I sighed at the war that was going inside of my body and simply crossed my arms over my chest.

“I’m sure it is.” I grumbled and I could see that my discomfort pleased him.

Jackie noticed that something was off about us and started looking back and forth between the two of us. It was then that I remembered that I had told her about the hole Kirk business before and it was really odd to see her being so friendly to him now.

“Jackie,” I began with a frown. “I told you that I met him before didn’t I?”

Jackie lifted her hand up to her lower lip and bit the edge of her nail nervously. “Yeah,”

“So then why are you being so friendly to him?” I questioned harshly.

She looked back over to Kirk with a slow smile forming on her lips. “Because I thought you had invited him.”

Kirk’s own wicked grin slowly started to lose its form. “What?” Kirk and I both questioned in unison.

She giggled quietly to herself before running her hand through Kirk’s hair. “You see Allie this mall isn’t in Kirk’s, the Blackpaw’s, territory.”

At first I had no clue what she was getting at because what did territory lines have anything to do with it? Kirk however seemed a bit quicker than I was in understanding what she meant. .

“The Sliverback Alpha and I are very close and have come to an agreement on being lenient when it comes to territories.” Kirk’s voice stared to regain its harsh tone.

“But don’t you know Kirk sweetie?” Jackie looked over at me and winked. “As of two days ago the Silverback’s have accepted a new Alpha and I’m sure that she won’t be as lenient about letting your pack into our territory.”

Kirk’s eyes followed Jackie’s gaze to me and I could see the disbelief and anger flashing behind his black eyes. “No,”

Jackie laughed at Kirk’s expression and patted his head as if he was a child. “Oh yeah.”

“This is a lie,” He snarled at me. “You’re not an Alpha! Hell you’re hardly even worthy of an omega status you weak little mongrel!”

A trumpet smile of mine own played against my lips as I raised my head high in a show of dominance. “If that’s the case then it looks like you’ll be needing a bit of a tune up, because it was this mongrel that has now injured you twice and look at me.” I uncrossed my arms and gestured to my own body. “Not a single scratch on me.”

“Well that can be an easy fix!” He snapped before shooting up from the couch and advancing towards me.

Even though I was a little conflicted about it the wolf half of me felt absolutely thrilled about getting into a brawl with him. With a new sort of confidence I took a step forward. “We’ll see about that.”

He growled at me and then bent down low but before he could even mange to pounce Jackie did something unexpected. She whistled. The high pitch of her whistle was enough to make me cringed, Kirk turned and growl over at her, but it didn’t faze her at all. In fact, Jackie just smiled at him as a group of people started to circle around us.

It didn’t take me long to recognize them as wolves because their scents gave them away but what I didn’t know why they had suddenly made themselves known. At first I assumed that they were part of Kirk’s pack or something because they kept on frowning at me but they soon proved me wrong. Slowly one by one they bowed their heads in my direction as a sign of respect. When they lifted their heads back up I could see their dark blues eyes flash silver and then I knew. They were all members of the Silverback pack.

Jackie picked herself up off of the couch and slowly walked over to Kirk. She touched his shoulder lightly before giving him a sweet smile. “I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that the odds are in your favor at the moment.” She sneaked a glance over at me through her heavy lashes. “What do you want us to do with him Alpha?”

I looked around at the eight wolves that had formed the circle around us. There was no doubt in my mind that we couldn’t take down Kirk together but there was one problem. The human. They were already distancing themselves from us and looking around nervously from one another. If a fight broke out right between Kirk and us then there was a huge possibility that one of us would be show our wolfy side and that would not be a good idea. Not to mention that fact that the humans would take Kirk’s death so lightly.

I found myself frowning at the situation, it was a hard call to make and when I finally did decide on what to do I didn’t like it one bit. “Let him go.”

Jackie looked over at me surprised. “But Alpha-

“I said to let him go.” I spoke as sternly as I could. Jackie lowered her gaze to the ground in defeat and it made me feel like a horrible friend but right now I had to make the right choice as and Alpha and killing him wasn’t it.

Kirk realized that the predicament that I was in and slowly made his way over to me. The smile that appeared on his face made my stomach turn inside out. When he leaned over to my ear and to whisper something in my ear I felt as if I would throw up.

“I’ll get you one of these days.” His threat was spoken in such a cool manner that I had almost trembled.

A snarl formed on my lips instead. “As long as I have Colt or this pack to back me up I don’t think that I’ll have to be worrying to much about you.”

He laughed wickedly against my ear. “Well then I guess I’m just going to have to make sure that neither of them gets in my way.”

The anger that built up inside of me was too great for me to handle and my body just reacted. One minute he was threatening me and the next he was bent over holding onto his stomach and gasping for air. The wolves around me barked their approval at my action. “Get out of my territory.” I growled out before making my way over to Jackie.

She just stared at me in awe while I slowly began to gather the shopping bags. After a moment she started to help me and once we had them all we turned to leave with the rest of the pack. I could hear Kirk growling behind me as I left and when he shouted something out it didn’t surprise me at all.

“This isn’t over!”

I could feel my chest tighten at his words and I ending up pausing mid-step because of it. My grip tightened on the shopping bag straps until I was shaking from the force.

“I know.” I muttered under my breath and then I held my head up high and continued walking. This fight that was brewing between Kirk and I was going to happen whether I was ready for it or not, and unlike to today, I wasn’t going to have the pack or even Colt there to back me up. This left me with only one other option. I had to get stronger…and soon.

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Thank you all for reading and commenting!!! I really do enjoy hearing from you all and i hoped that you liked the update!

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