(7) Taking a Walk on the Wild Side

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As soon as Colt opened up the downstairs door that led to the outside world I knew immediately that I would hate it. The fumes from the human world hit my oversensitive nose like a semi-truck smashing into a building. The smell of gasoline and garbage burned a trail straight from my nose to my brain making me cry and gag simultaneously. Colt looked back at me to see what the holdup was and rolled his eyes before tightening his grip on my hand and yanking me out of the apartment.

“You’ll get used to the smell.” He promised and then dragged me down the sidewalk.

I prayed to something holy that he was right and skidded along behind him in a pair of his work boots. When I had slipped my foot into the roomy shoe he had mumbled something to me about how they would have to do for now, I hadn’t understood what he had meant by that earlier but now that I was actually walking around him them I did. Every time I took a step my foot would slide right out of the large hole. Colt however wouldn’t notice that I had lost the shoe and would keep on walking until I pulled my hand out from him and went back to retrieve it. This continued for some time and in just two short blocks I had almost lost his shoes five times.

After retrieving and slipping back on the boots for the fifth time now I could see the frustration playing on Colt’s face. His dark brows were frowned, his lips were drawn into a firm line, and his eyes had become bleak. Judging by that expression I could literally feel the aggravation and frustration building up in him.

I lowered my eyes down to the sidewalk and bit down on my lower lip in embarrassment. Colt was on some kind of mission to form a pack as quickly as possible and here I was slowing him down because I couldn’t keep a simple human shoe on my foot. I followed a crack in the pavement down towards the boots and glared at them. If Colt would have just let me gone bare foot then there wouldn’t be a problem but of course he had insisted.

“Allie,” I looked up at the hard tone in his voice. “If you don’t come over here in the next thirty seconds I am going to pick you up and carry you like a pup.”

My eyes grew wide and my back straightened at the thought of being carried by him. If he hadn’t used the word pup I would have thought he was trying to court me but that wasn’t the case. The irritation he felt flickered in the back of his vibrant greens eyes and I knew then that he hadn’t meant it to be an insult. That irritation flared up in his eyes making me jump up in the air before bolting over to his side. Once there he laced his calloused fingers through mine and tugged me up against his side.

My chest brushed up against his arm and I couldn’t help but shiver at the warm shocks it sent rushing through me. The hard solid muscles in his arm stiffened under our contact and before I could even raise an eyebrow to it he was taking a step back, leaving our hands to be the only thing still touching.

“You’re going to want to stay by my side from this point on.” He spoke in a low husky voice.

I blinked a few times before the words he had just said registered. Of course I had no problem staying by his side but to hear him say that he wanted me too…

“Why?” I whispered.

Colt’s grip on my hand tightened. “It’s not safe for you to roam around this part of town by yourself.”

I sneered up at him. “I can handle a few humans Colt.”

He returned my sneer and drew his lips back into a snarl. “I think I am more than equipped to know what you can and can’t handle, you’ve been tucked away in the safety of your woods for your whole life, so you have no idea what they are capable of.”

“They don’t have claws, they don’t have sharp teeth, and they are slower than a rabbit. What is there to be cautious about?”

Slowly Colt lowered his face down towards mine as a growled rumbled from his chest. “They have guns and knives to make up for it, and on top of that you are way out of your element here. You’d be dead within an hour if I wasn’t here to protect you.”

I could feel my throat tightened at what he said. Sure I was way out of my element but that didn’t mean that I was a complete moron when it came to survival. “You don’t know that. I would be perfectly fine on my own.”

“In the first five seconds that you were in this world you almost got hit by a car.”

“You can’t count that.”

“I sure as hell can.”

I frowned up at him and yanked my hand away from his but his grip was too firm so I just ended up playing a tug-a-war game. “Arg! Will you let go of me already! I’m can take care of myself.”

His vibrant green eyes flashed gold and I instantly stopped trying to get away from him. His hard fingers unlaced themselves from my hand and moved slowly up my arm until his fingers were digging into my shoulder. I held back a whine from the sudden pain that was shooting up from my arm and stared into his mesmerizing eyes. Colt closed the distance between us and leaned down towards me until his hot breath was ticking my ear. I jumped at the feeling of his rugged cheek brushing against mine as he spoke in a deep husky voice.

“I know that you’re not used to being with another wolf Allie, so I’ll forgive your insults-

“I haven’t insulted you-

His low growl cut me off. “You’ve just interrupted me, argued with me, and you’re basically saying that you’d be better off without me. I take that as a major insult Allie especially since I have been nothing but helpful to you since the day we met. So maybe you should stop pretending to be some big bad wolf and listen to what I have to say. You never know it, could save your life.”

I watched him for a moment longer as I decided whether or not he was right. Had I been acting out of the norm lately? I wasn’t trying to act like some ‘big bad wolf’ as he had put it I was just trying to be a little bit less of a burden to him. My chest grew tight when I thought about how he was right in that I had been insulting to him. Ashamed that I had been so ungrateful to him I averted my eyes and bit down on the inside of my cheek before mumbling out an apology.

I heard him sigh loudly before he took a step closer to me. His big deadly hand kissed my cheek and then trailed down to my chin. Slowly he lifted it up until I was looking back into his calming green eyes.

“I’m sorry Allie. I didn’t mean to make you upset. It’s just that this part of town really puts me on edge.” He rubbed a lazy thumb along part of my jawline carving little circles into my flesh and I couldn’t help but shiver at the feeling.

“Humans make you nervous too?” I asked just a little bit higher than a whisper so that he would know that I wasn’t trying to insult him again.

He stopped rubbing designs into my skin and my body started to whine in protest. He let out another long drag of a sigh before dropping his hand down and taking a small step back. “It’s not the humans that worry me Allie, it’s the other wolves.”

Automatically my back stiffened and my senses went on full alert. I had known that we were going to try to form another pack today but I hadn’t known that they were going to be in the city. As if I could scoop them out I started looking around us and sniffing every part of the air.

“You’re not going to find them here Allie.”

I stopped searching for them and looked back up at him with a frown. “Why not?”

He ran his hand through his long dark hair before he turned around and started walking. Not wanting to get left behind I dashed over to his side and lanced my fingers into his so that he would know that I was there.

“Wolves are social creatures so we tend to all occupy the same street. In about two more blocks we are going to come by this bar called ‘Lou Pine’s’. To the humans it looks like some shady biker bar but in reality it is crawling with some of the meanest and strongest wolves around. Normally pups like you wouldn’t be allowed in there because…well most of them end up being killed.”

“What!” I yelled up at him.

“It’s a bar filled with dominant wolves Allie, fights happen and things get out of hand, but you don’t have to worry about it because you’ll be there with me.” The tone of his voice took on a prideful tune but his frown stayed in place. “Just in case my strong presence doesn’t work though I want you to walk in front of me with your head held high okay?”

I turned my head to the side and cocked an eyebrow to him. “Why do you want me to do that?”

His hand tightened against mine at the question. As I waited for his answer my gaze fell down to our intertwined hands. His long calloused fingers were so large compared to mine that they covered up my hand completely. A warm tingling sensation shot up my arm and landed in the pit of my stomach.

“It’ll make you seem more dominant than me.”

Shocked by his answer my gaze shot back up to see the side of his face. He eyes had taken on a deep green color as he stared off at something in the distance. His square jaw was clenched and his lips were formed into a hard line. For him to even suggest that I was more dominant than him went against every fiber of being a wolf. It became obvious to me then how serious this task was but why?

“Colt,” I tightened my hand around his until he looked down at me. “Why are we forming this pack?”

His eyes flashed a brilliant gold color right before he stopped walking. “Kirk will come back for you Allie,” Dread replaced the once warm tingles that had settled in the bottom of my stomach. “When he does he’ll bring more of his pack with him. I am a strong wolf Allie there is no question about it but I’m not invincible. I won’t be able to fight him and his pack while protecting you at the same time. With a pack on our side it will be a lot easier to keep you safe from him.”

I took a small step closer to him and raised my hand up to touch the side of his cheek. “Colt-

He shook his head slowly against my hand and I couldn’t help but feel slightly rejected. The gold that had flashed in his eyes moments ago came back only this time to stay. “We don’t have time for any more questions.” He hesitantly pulled his hand away from mine and took a small step behind me. “It’s show time Allie.”

My eyes grew wide with both fear and excitement as I turned to see the darkly lit building. My heart was racing inside of my chest when my gaze landed on a bright yellow sign that was glowing in one of the dirty windows. Lou Pine’s Bar and Grill never looked so scary.

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I realized that Lou Pine's is actually a bar in True Blood. No i am not going to use the characters in that show or anything else. The name of the bar was a good one so that is why I picked it. Thank you all for reading and I hope that you enjoyed :)

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