Chapter 32

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Chapter 32


I just shut my car door and in the middle of picking up my car keys from the ground when I hear the familiar voice. Eamonn.

I look over my shoulder as I lock my door, "Hello."

He has the same cheeky grin that his father has, and points at my keys, "Are you okay?"

"I'm okay—just clumsy," I laugh as I stuff the keys in my bag. Truth be told, I had another moment where Orion's anger filtered through me. I'm tempted to search for him and find out what happened to make him so enraged, but don't have the courage.

"I'm Eamonn," He sticks his hand out. I clasp his forearm and lean down to let him press his cheek to mine, "You're Amelia."

"I am."

"You know who I am?"

"I do."

"I know who you are—kind of. But you're different from what I imagined," His head tilts and he looks over me with scrunched eyebrows, "You're not as scary."

I burst out laughing and he grins proudly, though I don't think he knows exactly what I find funny. I can never see myself being intimidating.

"You weren't here yesterday when your Dad was around—is this your first time in Breccia?"

"It's my second time but it might as well be my first time."

I smile and hold out my hand, "Do you want me to show you around?"

He grabs my hand and I take him to the packhouse first. It's mostly empty because most of the Wolves are gathering by the training grounds already, even though the training only starts in a couple hours.

Eamonn looks to be no more than ten, but I quickly gather that he is a lot softer than most boys his age. He doesn't seem to mind holding my hand, even though I only intended it to be a brief gesture to get him to follow me around. He also greets everyone we come across with the same enthusiasm as he had with me.

Those bright green eyes burn with so much innocence and kindness. I'm shocked by how much he resembles Adrian.

"This is our pack hospital," Our final stop is Mallory's workshop. I smile as he stares at the garden in awe, "Our pack Healer, Mallory, likes to keep her garden thriving."

He holds his hand out and touches one of the bushes. Mugwort. I have discovered that it's one of the easier herbs to sniff out, and also one of the less difficult herbs to use. So it's curious that he reached for it.

"You said that I'm different than how you imagined," My voice brings him back, "What did you mean by that?"

He's hesitant to speak, and shrugs quietly, "I just..."

"Did you have a dream of me?" I ask, and his eyes widen. I smile gently at him, understanding everything much better. Eamonn is a Lycanthrope too. "I have them too."

"I'm not...supposed to talk about it..." He looks at his feet quietly.

"Me neither," I say quietly. He looks up at me and I continue, "My Alphas told me to keep it a secret. But you're the first one like me that I've come across."

"You're the only one in your pack too?"

"I am." My throat tightens as my mind turns back to Steph. She had been the only lycan I knew...but she had always been my sister and nothing more.

But I guess Eamonn answered my one question—Adrian is a Werewolf. Which means that the ghost that follows him...Eamonn's mother...was the Lycanthrope.

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