Chapter 37

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Chapter 37


"What the hell happened to your car? Why are you all cut up?" Her dad asks when she comes home. He's a small man, barely taller than Amelia, and has dark, peppered hair. "Amelia—don't walk away from me—"

"Don't talk to me about walking away," Amelia mutters as she walks through the entrance and up the stairs.

"Excuse me?" He asks but she continues to go up to the stairs. He follows her, even as she goes straight to Stephanie's bedroom, "Young woman, you may think that you're all grown up but—"

"But nothing!" She turns around and I flinch away. She screams like Kiana does when Mac or Da have annoyed her.

Her thoughts ring through my head even though I barely understand them. She's fed up with everyone telling her what is and isn't the fucking world. I scrunch my brow but can't make sense of that...Amelia must be angry if she's swearing like Mac.

She marches right up to her Da until she's in his face, "I'm so fed up with you acting like my dad when you're around. But where have you been, Dad? Where were you when Steph needed you? Where the hell were you when I needed you?"

He stares at her with wide eyes. She's angry. So angry that I begin to notice something her parents are unable to—Darkness. The shadows shudder ever so slightly around Amelia, and her veins darken like her blood is rotten. My Mum had been right—the Wolf was almost awake.

Her chest is huffing up and down, and she opens her mouth to continue. But another voice appears. Her mom. She comes up to Amelia quietly, her posture small and meek as always.

Everyone used to say she's so much like her mom...quiet, shy. Now, she doesn't know who or what the hell she is anymore.

Amelia's mom grabs her face gently, "Calm. Down."

She stares at her and takes a deep breath. Her mom moves her hands away and wipes them on her clothes before bringing Amelia into her arms. She tucks her head into her shoulders, just like I do when Da hugs me, and breathes in. I do too. Her mom smells like lavender and like someone named Steph...she smells like home.

"I'm sorry," Amelia sobs, mostly to her dad, who is still frozen still. She clings to her mom tightly and cries loudly, "I'm sorry."

"It doesn't fix what you've done in the past couple weeks, Amelia. And I'm afraid we can't fix what we've done either," she says softly as she runs her hand through Amelia's hair. It reminds Amelia of how this girl named Steph always used to do the same thing, "But, this is a start."

Amelia opens her eyes, and they find me. They look far more recognizable—the bright blue color I had seen in my past dreams. She isn't aware of it yet, but her Wolf is slowly breaking free of its shackles.

She and I stare at one another a moment longer before they all disappear. Everything fades and I wake up...

"Welcome back to the world of the living," Kiana smiles as I lift my head up. She pokes my cheek and chuckles, "Eamonn, how are you tired? You didn't do anything today!"

I grin widely at her and laugh. Kiana makes me laugh—she always says things like that either make others smile or get really angry. Da says it's because she's blunt.

Mac is in the front seat beside Da. He has blood crusted underneath his nostrils and is in a bad mood. Da doesn't look much happier.

"What did you dream about, little lad?" Da looks up from the road and at me through the mirror thing.

I shrug. Mom told me not to tell Da about my visits with Amelia or her. It would only make him upset—she said.

"Y'know," Mac grumbles, "They say it's a sign of stupidity if you can't remember your dreams—"

"Mackenna!" Kiana slaps the back of his head hard, "Did you just tell my godson that he's stupid!"

"Did you just slap me! Your injured, exhausted mate?" He hollers back. I grab my feet and pull my knees towards my chest. Mac and Kiana always say funny things to one another like this. "You could have made my nose bleed again! Woman—have you no sense of—"

"Oh shut up, you," She rolls her eyes, "If a young lass like Amelia can cause you that much damage then you have no business being the Beta."

"Watch yourself now," Da chuckles, "You know how sensitive Mac is about getting beaten by a girl."

"She didn't beat me," Mac grumbles, "I honestly wasn't expecting such a small pup to pack such a headbutt. Fucking out of her mind, that one is—"

"What's fucking mean?" I ask, because now I'm curious. Amelia said that too and Mac says it a lot...but why?

"Janey Mack," Kiana pinches her nose while Da and Mac burst out laughing. "Don't concern yourself with that kind of language, boy. Only morons like Mac say it—"

"Amelia's not an idiot though," I don't mean for it slip out, but it does. Everyone in the car is silent and I sink my head lower.

"Amelia isn't an idiot, aye," Da mumbles, "But I don't want you talking to her anymore—"

"But she's my friend—"

"Eamonn," Da growls and I stop whining. His eyes glow bright green like they do when his big, bad Wolf gets angry. I nod and he continues, "She's dangerous. And until I know more about her, I don't want you near her. Understood?"

"Aye," I grumble, "Yes, sir."

He reaches back and ruffles my hair. They all start talking again while we pull into the house we're staying at in the forest. I look out of the window wonder how far this forest is from Amelia's.

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