Sneak Peak: The Wolf Book 2

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My sequel is all written up! Just have to do some final edits and we'll be back with Amelia's journey! In the meantime, here's a little taste of what's in store for our little wolf!

Sneak Peak: The Wolves Book 2: The Beast Within

This book will be rated Mature! Be sure to follow my profile to keep an eye open for it! Otherwise, I will publishing the first chapters coming September 9th, 2021.

Now, as her life as a high school student comes to a close, Amelia must surge on to prepare herself for The Order. But new conflicts arise.

Her pack and mate start suspecting that she and their Alphas are hiding something from them. Amelia struggles to find the balance for her and the Wolf inside her. Clashes between Jace, Amelia, and the Diurnal Alpha threaten the tensions between the packs, and the fragile trust between Amelia and Jace. All while Orion lurks in the shadows—watching and waiting.

We are all half human. Half beast.

Some are better at being human than beasts.

Some are better at being beasts than human.

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The halls are silent. At this time of the day, all the priests and priestesses are asleep. The only movement is the occasional guard that sweeps through the hall, golden spears in hand and clad in black, armored clothing.

The sun is approaching the horizon and the sky has begun to redden and flush. Dusk is approaching. The moon will rise, and the sun will set, and the priestesses will begin their night rituals. And just as they do in the afternoon, they will sleep several hours of the morning before they will complete their day rituals.

All is routine. All is in order.

But it is all disrupted by a piercing scream.

Several guards sprint towards the chambers of the High Priestess, one in particular surging forward. She pushes past the guards who are posted at her door.

"Sashi." The woman is curled up in her bed, shaking violently.

"Serani," She cries out, reaching her hands out.

"I'm here," The guard pulls her into her arms, realizing that it's a vision and not an intruder. Looking up at her guards, she jerks her head towards the door, "Clear out."

"Yes Ma'am."

She holds the High Priestess, rocking her gently as she sobs. Lately, her visions are becoming more vivid. It has always been the burden of the High Priestess to govern the responsibilities of any vacant positions in the hierarchy, but Sashi had been getting an unfair amount. Having to hold the burden of all three Goddesses is too much for a single lycan, even one as strong as she is.

It has worsened when the High Prophet of Artemis had suddenly perished at the hands of Orion nine years ago. They had been in the middle of locating her, but by the time they found their lost sister, she had fallen victim to their eternal rival.

Another has been born, but she is still in training and not old enough to take the full brunt of the divine visions. And with the High Prophet of Hekate having been missing for decades, Sashi has no choice but to deal with carrying the responsibilities of the three highest titles in The Order.

Wolf #1: The Pack [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now