05: alondra

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Come Saturday night, Pritchett, Eli aka the loser she keeps taking back, Margot, and I found ourselves at Twin City. For the record, I did not want to come. Pritchett ran into Jack and they were hanging out at the coffee shop I was meeting Pritchett at when I got there.

I protested immensely to us coming tonight, but once Pritchett got Margot involved, I had very little choice. What sucks even more is they both know how much I loathe the hockey team. I might not hate Jack, but I still haven't decided what I think about him.

Not sure what I'm more upset about, Pritchett taking Eli back or returning to the bar where I had the world's best kiss with Jack, coincidentally to hang out with him. To make my attitude on tonight clear, I was wearing a fuzzy sweater and jeans with a beanie to try and keep the chill off my ears.

Nothing works. It's only September and I'm already freezing my ass off as the cold seeps through my clothes.

I really hate Minnesota.

Pritchett is too busy making googly eyes at Eli to see Margot trip over air right outside the entrance to the bar. I snicker and she turns to shook a glare at me.

"Don't glare at me, you could be talking to Hudson right now. But nope, you had to listen to Pritchett."

Pritchett smiles at me while Margot rolls her eyes, moving forward to open the door. I don't bother acknowledging Eli. I think he's an idiot. I love Pritchett like she's my sister, but I also think she's an idiot for taking him back.

The heat welcomes me, thawing my hands almost immediately upon entry. The bar is just as loud as the last time we were here, the smell of beer and sweat strong. Another similarity is the loud table in the back corner that I now know belongs to the hockey team; Jack's in the middle of it.

Pritchett's already halfway across the bar with Eli in tow towards the table and I follow behind Margot to the bar, delaying the inevitable. I see Jack get up to hug Pritchett, wondering when the hell they got so chummy.

"Al, I think you might need to order something stronger than a beer if you're going to survive the night." Margot teases with a smile.


She laughs as our drinks are brought out to us, "Well you're acting like this is going to kill you so I figured you'd get plastered early to forget you're willingly hanging out with hockey players. A beer is not going to do that for you."

I roll my eyes, "It's not going to kill me."

"Great, then put a smile on and suck it up cause we're already here."

My only response is to take a long drink of my beer to prepare myself, but odds are this isn't going to be as terrible as I'm hoping it will be. And that's what I think I'm more afraid of, that I won't hate my dad's players.

It's so much easier to think of them as assholes and playboys.

Jack is doing almost everything possible to prove that wrong.

Maybe that's why I'm in a grumpy mood. Or it could be the fact it's cold as shit outside. Hm... It's definitely the weather.

I need tonight so I can see Jack and his friends acting like I expect them to act. Is that messed up?

The table is lively and roaring with laughter when we approach and Jack smiles charmingly at me. "Hey Al, glad you could make it."

I smile back faintly, it's hard not to when he smiles like that. "Thanks for the invite."

The group shifts in their seats to make room for us. Jack's friends and my traitorous ones take up the entire corner booth that's specifically meant for a large group of people. I end up between a girl I don't recognize and Margot.

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