25: alondra

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"We're supposed to be studying," I protest in between kisses.

Jack chuckles, "Nope. I've had nonstop practices the last couple of days and I've been dying to get you alone. I'm willing to sacrifice a little tutoring." I don't have a chance to respond because he's pressing his lips against mine again.

My willpower is slowly waning because I have an entirely unfair weak spot for him. Jack leans me back on his bed, the papers crinkling beneath me. I giggle slightly as his scruff rubs against my cheek. He needs to shave.

"If it makes you feel better, we can call this a different kind of studying." He murmurs and I smile.

I run my hands through his hair and Jack bites down on my lower lip, causing me to gasp allowing him full access to my mouth. He positions himself over me, trapping me in place; not that I had any plans on moving.

He shouldn't be allowed to kiss like this. It's really not fair because it makes it really hard to say no when I really want to say yes.

And this?

This is really something I should have said no to when he showed up in the middle of the night last week. But dammit. Saying no to Jack is something I don't think I'm capable of.

I wasn't going to say yes, but laying there with him? I felt safe. And maybe he'll eventually get to the point where he feels like he can be in a relationship. That little spark of hope has grown into a small flame.

Jack trails his lips down my neck, sucking and biting at the sensitive skin. My hand sweeps over his broad shoulders, feeling the strength and power in him. "Jack," I breathe out softly and he grunts in response. "Seriously, we should be...studying."

"Don't want to," He mumbles against my skin. Jack reaches for my hand to slip it under his shirt and I trace the hardened planes. I don't like Jack for his body, but goddamn I sure do appreciate it.

I tug his shirt up, relenting to the fact that we're not going to get any studying done. He pulls away with a grin to yank his shirt off in one fluid motion. Wow. I smile up at him and brush his tousled chestnut colored hair out of his face.

We're having fun so I should just enjoy this.

I sit up, pulling my own shirt off, willing my nerves to disappear as Jack's eyes go straight to my bra covered chest. "Al, fuck. You have a great body."

My cheeks start to flush with embarrassment, "You don't have to say that."

"No, I do. You have no idea what you do to me." He says, meeting my eyes again. It's the sincerity in his voice that gets me and I don't know how to respond so I lean forward and kiss him again.

Jack pulls me closer to him and I end up straddling his waist, feeling his erection dig into my thigh. What the fuck have I gotten myself into?

I rest my hands on his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin seeping into the chill always plaguing my hands. And then Jack surprises me by grabbing my ass, resulting in me letting out a short squeal.

Jack laughs, "You're going to have to be more quiet or they're going to figure out that we're not really studying in here."

"You caught me by surprise!" I say, trying to defend myself because I literally don't know how I could face any of them if they figure out we're hooking up now. Well, going to hook up. We've both been so busy the last couple of days that I really haven't gotten to see Jack, let alone make out with him.

The anticipation has just about killed me.

He just smiles at me and my heart melts at the sight of his dimples. I like him. Fuck, I like him. This time when Jack kisses me it's soft and tender. More intimate than anything. We continue at a slow pace, content with just getting to know each other in a different way.

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