11: alondra

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"Tinder? You signed me up for Tinder?" Jack exclaims from his end of the kitchen counter that we've been studying at. Coop is in the fridge and turns to look at me confused.

My mouth drops, but I can't make any words come out. Oh shit. Is he mad?


"I plead the fifth," I squeak out, grabbing my phone to run to the bathroom. I narrowly make it there before Jack, who is chasing me to no doubt get my phone. I twist the lock quickly just as it rattles.


I laugh and pull the phone out to call Ruby quick. I think she's here, but I haven't seen her or Dylan since I got here so who knows. She answers right away, "What's up girlfriend?"

"He knows."

"Oh fuck," She swears and I hear Dylan in the background. "Where are you?"

I sit on the edge of the bathtub, "The bathroom."

"I'll come rescue you."

Jack knocks on the door again, "Is Ruby in on this with you?"

"Abort, abort!" I whisper into the phone.

"Climb out the window!" Ruby hisses and I look up at the window that looks just barely big enough for me to squeeze through.

"You're crazy if you think I'm climbing out the window to avoid Jack."

"Darling, you do know that I can hear you right? This is funny, but you don't have to hide in the bathroom or climb out a fucking window."

I look at the door skeptically and my phone. "Gotta go Ruby, save yourself."

"It's been good knowing you," She says solemnly before hanging up.

I move to the door where I know Jack is standing on the other side. "I'm not mad." Jack says and I laugh nervously.

"I don't believe you."

He snorts, "Why on fucking earth would you make me a tinder account and then not tell me about it."

I lean backwards against the door, not ready to open it yet. "Jack, you sound kind of mad."

"Open the door Al."

"Why should I?" I counter sarcastically.

I can hear his grumble of frustration and I crack the door to see him not quite scowling, but the closest I've seen him to it. Jack's arms are crossed over his chest and I feel like a little kid who just got in trouble.

"Why did you sign me up for Tinder?"

I roll my eyes, "Why else do you think? To get you a girlfriend."

"Pretty sure I told you I didn't want one." He retorts and I shake my head quickly.

"No, I told you I was going to find you a girlfriend and you said 'sure, whatever you want.' So technically you didn't say no."

Jack chuckles, "Ok, first of all, I don't sound like that. I was being sarcastic because I didn't think you were serious."

"You shouldn't be such a cynic about love," I say matter of factly and he groans.

"Tinder is not love. That's where people go to find fuck buddies which is exactly why I got a text from some chick who asked why I didn't respond to her message asking me to come over." He says bluntly and I open the door the rest of the way.

"They're not all like that! There's some really nice girls that Ruby and I have picked out." I insist before looking at him skeptically, "Are you mad?"

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