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The evening street was bustling with crowds. The sound of people chattering like chirping  birds echoed through the night street filling the lively shops busy with customers on their left and right. Men accompanying women dressed boldly, exposing their bosoms on display, clinging to these passive men's arms was a common sight during festive seasons. Even the commoners were dressed in more presentable clothes than usual as they roamed around to enjoy the goodness of festival with their families and lovers.
Amidst these swarm of crowds was one man that stood out as he was walking the streets alone. Moreover the demeanor of this person and his face, and, judging by the way he was dressed, many women could tell this person was someone with status. Some of them tried to hover around him with parasitic intentions but were ignored by him.

"Hey did you hear that rumour? There is a famous rumour going around that our new supreme ruler have dissolved his harem?"

His footsteps halted when he heard these words spoken by a middle aged man who was seated up in a building accompanied by some other people.

"What? This is the first time i am hearing this." One of them asked intently

"Oh that. Isn't that just a rumour? Why would the supreme ruler dismiss his own concubines?" Another spoke.

"Idiot. Its not just a rumour. It is true." The man who started this conversation berated them lightly. Then he gestured them to come closer.
"I know one of the families whose daughter was a member of the ruler's harem. A few months ago she returned to her family and said that the supreme ruler had dismissed her and the others of their concubine duties..." He whispered to the group.

"But then..." One of them scratched his beard and added. "Who would tend to the needs of the supreme ruler if all his concubines were dismissed?"

The middle aged men smirked as he told them to get closer until their heads were practically sticking to each other's. "This...." He whispered lowly. "I heard the girl's parents discussing about something and I happened to overhear them." Rubbing his hands excitedly he then continued.
"It is said that on the day the war broke and the supreme ruler had won it, upon returning, he brought back a person with him. This person was confined into one of the finest courtyards and was isolated by everyone. No one was allowed to enter the courtyard without the supreme ruler's permission. Not only that. The supreme ruler visited the courtyard every single day and this person staying in the courtyard took his enitre attention away from the women in his harem."

" must be an astounding beauty. If not there is no way the supreme ruler was taken in by someone average." One of them spoke.

The middle aged man clicked his tongue at him. "Shortly after the supreme ruler dissolved his harem by sending them away from the palace. But the strange thing is that even though the supreme ruler visited that person every day he never stayed overnight there."

"Ahh...maybe the bed techniques of the beauty is not that great? Or she is the extreme shy type?"

This statement almost made the handsome man down on the road trip over.

"No." The middle aged man kept the suspense going. " turned out that...."

"That what?" The group of men were agitated, dying to know his next sentence.

"Apparently the person staying in the courtyard is actually a man."

"What?" They gasped. "No way! Impossible! Why would a man discard thousands of beautiful women over a single man?"

"Could he be a man with a face that exceeds the beauty of women?"

The middle aged man clicked his tongue again. "It is rumoured that the man is actually the leader of the other faction that waged war against our supreme ruler, the former head of the eight jade palace."