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"Its been a while. William." The ugly man on the door spoke. His eyes were lingering around the other person's body, his gaze as if trying to undress him with his eyes.

Ivar gave him a calm murderous glare. The killing intent radiating from his eyes were directed on Jack's nape, his fingers twitching, wanting to strangle this ugly disgusting person.
Jack was surprised to see his person glare back at him with raging eyes. His eyes dropped down. That's right. He was the one who ran away from William, leaving without saying anything to him. But now...he was back to claim him.
"William...I...." He uttered giving the person he missed so much a lovelorn look. "I missed yo...." Just as he was stretching his hands towards his person....something terrible happened.


A bone crushing punch landed on his cheek, the power of the punch pummeling his face, even without seeing it he could tell that he had lost a few teeth to this punch, the fist drilled into his skin, bruising him down to his jaw. He felt his body slam down against the wall, his entire body hitting the wall. Jack staggered as he prevented his side head from smashing aganist the wall. With his hands he supported his body, stabilizing it while clenching his cheek. His eyes steered towards the person who had hit him. Met with a chilling gaze he couldn't help but feel shocked, astonished to the point that maybe he thought that maybe he had seen it wrong.

"W...w...William..." He stuttered staring at his person. But the other guy was looking at him, his eyes devoid of any affection that was always directed at Jack when they were together.

That punch was for William. Ivar thought to himself. This scum male lead did not deserve a second chance even in the original world. He deserved to rot in hell. Causing William to break apart bit by bit....even driving him to attempt suicide... just because of this scum male lead.
Ivar heard the sound of footsteps approaching him from behind. He knew it was Guang Wang Lei.

"Babe." Guang Wang Lei pulled him in for a hug. He saw his kitty look up at him with somewhat sullen eyes as he said this to him.

"Disinfect." Raising his palm near Wang Lei's mouth.

Wang Lei stared at the hand before him. His lips formed a lovely smile as he took the hands and kissed it lightly, sucking on the five fingers one by one. When he did this he noticed that his Kitty's sullen mood was getting better. Smooching Ivar's hand for one last time he raised his brow at him saying. "More?"

"Yes more." Came a straightforward reply.

Guang Wang Lei happily continued to kiss his babe's hand, smooching the five fingertips to his fill.

"!!!" Jack froze. He narrowed his eyes at the tall man by William's side. That face! It was the man from that photo. William's new lover. He glared at the scene before him, narrowing his eyes at the man who was feeling up his person as William gazed up at the man affectionately.
That gaze....that affectionate belonged only to Jack and will always belong to him!!
He adjusted his body posture. The two men were ignoring as if he wasn't here.

"William....I know you are angry at me...  I am back now. And I promise I won't ever ever run away. So please come back to me...."

An annoying mosquito interrupted their sweet moment, ruining their mood.

"I know you are deliberately doing this to make me jealous.....William. Listen to me babe...."


"!!!!" Jack was shocked speechless this time. His lover just yelled at him...calling him an ugly piece of shit. He couldn't believe it. The man who would go on and on about how perfect and handsome Jack was....saying how much he loves him...was now glaring at him with disgust and rage. His kind natured William was looking at him with immense hatred and disgust in his eyes as if he really were a piece of shit.