29-Are you okay? I am now that you are here

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"Mama?" I questioned

She looked pissed and I had no idea why, the kids ran up behind me and peaked from behind me to see who was there .

"Who's that?" Asked Niko

"That's my mama." I said
Safires POV
"Kodiak come and greet your mother, oh and by the way she's going to be staying for a little bit." I said

He looked like he was about to combust, this is just to good. He slowly walked down the stairs with the kids following behind.

"Mama, it's lovely to see you." He said as he kissed her and hugged her

"Oh please, I know you've been keeping this lovely women a secret from me." She said

"Mama, I was looking for her, it's not my fault she decided to go missing." Said Kodiak

"Well you found her and now we are all coming for a month to visit, so get ready." She said with a smirk

"Wait what?" Asked Kodiak

"I invited your family to stay here for a month, it's Ivy and Nikos birthday in a week so I thought it would be nice if they were here." I said

Kodiak pulled me to a corner and whispered to me.

"You really know how to keep test my patience love." He whispered

"You have no idea." I whispered into his ear and then kissed his neck.

I smirked and walked back towards the living room where everyone was. I'm glad I still have that same effect on him. Adorable little thing.

"So Mrs Sanchez, Cohen can show you to your wing and please let me know if the accommodations are up to your standards." I said and she nodded

"Such a wonderful women." She said

I walked into the kitchen and the children were running around by my legs playing tag. They really changed me.

"Mama, she poked me." Complained Niko

"Mama but he poked me first." Complained Ivy

"No poking, now go get your papa." I said

They both hugged each other and ran into the cinema room where Kodiak was sitting. Just as they left Klaus walked in and ruffled both of their hair while they walked pass him.

"So this is your new life?" He said while gesturing to me.

"I guess so, don't get me wrong. I still run everything I just have more risks now. But I wouldn't change it for the world." I said with a smile

"I know, that's because you were meant to have this. A happy ending. So catch me up. What's life been like?" Asked Klaus

"Well I had twins, I've been running the fashion company and mafia from my house and I've been getting closer to Scar. I also have a pet puppy. His at the groomer today." I said

"Puppy?! Where?! I need to meet him!" Said klaus in excitement.

"Yea I think you guys will be best friends. You are just like each other." I said while laughing
Next day:
I woke up with Kodiak beside me. I was sleeping in his arms, our legs intertwined, everything felt perfect in that moment.

I heard little feet running down the corridor and knew it was the kids. They came in and jumped onto the bed, instantly waking up Kodiak. He smiled while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He opened the blanket for them and they squeezed in the middle of us. They both kissed us and then Kodiak started tickling them, their laughs brought me pure joy.

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