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I woke up to an empty bed, his clothing gone and no memory of him even being there was left.

I sat up and looked around the room frantically looking for a note or a sign, anything. I picked up my phone and began calling him but no answer.

I quickly rushed out of the room after getting dressed and looked around the entire late house, but he was gone, finally I decided to check the house.

"Have you seen Kodiak?" I asked Klaus

"No, I thought he was with you." Said Klaus with a confused expression.

"Hunter! I need security footage of last night!" I shouted

"Yes boss!"He shouted from the office.

"What's going on?" Asked Klaus

"His gone, I don't know where. I woke up and he was gone, all of his things are gone." I said

I went numb. No emotion must show otherwise it's seen as weakness. That's all I could tell myself.

"Don't do that." Said klaus

"Do what?" I asked

"Go to your dark place. Don't switch off. It's not healthy, you need to feel these emotions Safire." Said Klaus

"I can't do this right now. I'll see you later." I said trying to brush off his comment

I walked towards the office and Hunter showed me the footage. There he was, Kodiak. He left, he grabbed all of his things and packed his car then kissed the kids goodnight and got into his car, he left something in the garage.

I ran to the garage and found a note, with a ring.

Dear Safire

I'm sorry. I need to go, you will understand one day, you will hate me for this but I need to do this. I'm so sorry mi amor.

I love you and the kids but I need to say goodbye, we will meet again some day...by our spot. When the ball drops and everyone celebrates we will be reunited. Until that day,know I'm doing this because I love you.

Please don't forget me...unless it's to painful then act like I never existed. My heart is ad will always be yours, I need you to know this:

You are my entire world and you have blessed my universe with those two angles. You make each day so much more worth living, you are like the breath of fresh air I need everyday in order to continue. You are my soulmate, I've never met anyone as caring, compassionate, kind, funny, scary and beautiful as you are, your soul reflects just how much this world doesn't deserve you. You will be my wife one day...when the time is right. We will have a happy home with peace, but as for now I'll enjoy what we have.

Please forgive me for leaving...I will see you again and I hope your heart will still yearn for me as mine does for you.

I will always be yours.

Forever and always

My hands began to shake, I fell to the floor and I felt like I was suffocating, all I could think about was, why does everyone leave me...what's wrong with me.

The world just disappeared and all I could see was darkness, all sound around me vanished and I was stuck hearing my thoughts.

"You will never be loved....you are pathetic...you don't deserve love...you are worthless...just kill you self already..."

All of a sudden I felt hands wrap around me, Niko.

I looked at him and saw his little eyes full of worry, he looked fearful of what had happened to me, my baby. I pulled him into my arms and kissed his forehead.

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