32-His hot mama

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"Let's go, ask questions later." I said as I pulled Gina by the arm towards the back exit. We waved goodbye to Julia as we ran out.

We got into the car quickly, luckily for me I'm a heavy weight and don't get drunk easily. We got home quicker than ever before, I rushed inside and saw Ivy on the kitchen table talking to Klaus.

"Mommy!" She squealed

I ran to her and took her into my arms, she was warm, why does she have a fever.

"What happened to my baby!" I shouted

"When mommy and Niko were out I played in the snow with uncle Cohen and uncle klaus." She said with the biggest smile

Oh how I love her innocence.

"Klaus and Cohen I'm going to kill you. Send for the doctor. We'll be in her room." I ordered and they nodded

"Did she not get laid?" Asked Klaus

"You interrupted her!" Said Gina in a frustrated tone

"Fuck, I'm so dead." Said klaus

"Indeed you are dumbass." Said Gina

Ivy and I walked up to her room, she wrapped her little hand around 2 of my fingers as we walked. She is so adorable it's insane.

"Mama, did you *sniff* have a nice time?" Asked Ivy

"Oh my poor baby. Come here you little booger face." I joked as I scooped her up into my arms.

I took a tissue and wiped her nose while she giggled. She hugged me and nuzzled her head into my shoulder as she tried to get comfortable.

I put her in her bed and laid next to her while we waited for the doctor.

"Mama, can I get a dagger for my birthday?" Asked Ivy

"Baba, your only turning 4, you can have one when you turn 6 okay." I said as I patted her head.

"Awww okay mommy, but I want it to be special."
Said Ivy as she made puppy dog eyes

"Yes yes. No lay down." I said

The doctor came a few minutes later and gave her some medication to get her fever down and for her runny nose. I laid with her until she fell asleep and then went to my room.

What a night, I was drunk, got sober, almost got laid, then Ivy got sick and now I'm exhausted. I'm just going to take a shower. I quickly got undressed and made my way to the bathroom, I turned the water on and waiting for it to heat up.

After my relaxing shower I got into my pjs and went to bed, after all I was tired and didn't feel like being bothered.
The next day


"Who is it?" I said with an annoyed tone

"It's Niko and Ivy mommy." Said Niko little voice

Aww my babies. I quickly jumped out of bed and opened the door, they ran in and jumped into my bed, I loved watching their little legs move it was to cute.

"Mama, what are you doing today?" Asked Niko

"Well I have some paperwork and then I'm going to do some training." I said as I climbed back into bed

"Can we have a movie night with everyone please." Said Ivy with her puppy dog eyes

She knows how to get her way, damn. She is definitely my daughter.

"Okay, but only one movie and it has to be a new one, no more rewatching the same movie." I said

"Okay mama." Said both of them

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