Chapter 13 - 2x15

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Kaitlyn P

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Kaitlyn P.O.V.

I lay in bed, awake all night, just staring at the ceiling. My body felt numb, my heart not slowing from the moment I had seen him. 

As soon as I glimpsed his face, all of my memories came back from after my mother had died. How he had abused me, verbally and physically. How he had made me feel as if I didn't matter. How sickeningly good I felt when I thought he was dead. 

I shivered, even though the room wasn't cold. I couldn't believe he was working with Jules!  He must have had a bigger agenda. Maybe it was something to do with the huge plan Jules was talking about. 

I needed to confront him about it, but deep down I still feared him.

 The real question was, how was he still alive? First, how could he have survived the fire? And even if I got that answer, how has he not aged? Was he like me?

Maybe he could help me figure out what I was. Maybe he had matured over the years, and we could form a stable relationship. 

But even I knew that was naive and hopeless. The Liam I remembered would never show weakness or any sign of affection. He was cold and ruthless, and always with some huge master plan that would end up hurting people. 

Eventually, I fell into a restless sleep, coming in and out of consciousness, and sweating furiously. 

The next morning when I woke up, I was extremely grumpy. I decided to skip school that day and stay inside. 

I then spent the entire day sitting in bed, then getting up to eat, then screaming at my wall, and then trying to make a plan of how to talk to Liam. 

My friends called, but I ignored them. I needed space to think. By the evening, the reality that Liam was alive completely dawned on me, and I completely lost it. I almost got kicked out of my apartment for making so much noise. 

Those darn old ladies. 

I was sure much had happened in the day that I missed. I swear, someone probably almost died, a grand plan was orchestrated, it failed, and people just managed to stay alive. I felt as if no day in this town was ever calm. 

Late at night, I decided to call Caroline, so she could catch me up on the day. She didn't pick up, so I tried Bonnie. 

"Hey! I haven't seen you all day!" came her worried voice on the other line. 

"Yeah, I've just had one of those days," I explained half-heartedly. "Did anything exciting happen today?"

I heard her sigh dramatically. "A whole lot of stuff happened today. Prepare to sit down, it's a lot."

I didn't mention that I had been in bed almost all day, and sitting was the last thing I wanted to do. 

"Bring it on," I said. 

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