Chapter 28 - 3x09

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Kaitlyn P

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Kaitlyn P.O.V.

I had asked countless times where Caroline was, frightened for my dear friend's life. The best case scenario was that they had kept her alive, but were experimenting on her just like they did to every other vampire.

The cage I was in made me weak, so weak that I could barely talk every time a worker walked past me. It seemed the cage itself was my experiment, since they weren't even talking to me.

One thing I knew for sure, the cure had worked. How did I know? Simple. My feelings were consuming me. Major guilt for the stuff I did with Klaus and Stefan that summer, anger against the Augustine's, and lastly but most surprisingly, grief for Liam.

Now that I actually had the time and capacity to process it, I realised he was dead. I had killed him. Well, technically, I wounded him greatly. But it was my fault that he was now dead. Should I have given him a second chance?

Could I have done something else that didn't end in his death?

I just knew that my mother would be ashamed of me. I don't even know how I would tell her if she were here.

"Don't blame yourself for this Lynie," I heard a sad voice say and I almost screamed in fright.

To my surprise, I saw my mother lightly floating outside of the cage. All these months and I had almost forgotten about her. Correction, I had actually completely forgotten about her! I hadn't even bothered to talk to her once my emotions were back.

"Mother," I cleared my throat of emotion. "I'm so royally screwed right now."

"Yes. You are," she huffed. "You've gotten yourself in quite the mess."

"Wow, you're helpful," I scowled.

"I won't be able to stay here for much longer right now," she explained, and at my questioning glance continued. "Lucifer's cage is weakening your state dramatically, it was a miracle you could even conjure me."

"A what cage?" I raised an eyebrow. "Lucifer?! Isn't that a show on Netflix?"

"What's Netflix," she looked puzzled, so I just shook my head. "Kaitlyn, this cage was specially designed to hold angels captive. It was invented millennia ago. And I'm sure you already know who gave this bit of information to the doctors."

"Liam. I'm so sorry about Liam," I avoided her knowing gaze. "I tried to find another way. I really did."

"I know," she said sincerely. "But I don't know if he is truly gone."

"What?!" I exploded, coughing heavily after that. "What on earth are you talking about?"

"I'm not sure. I have my suspicions. I think Liam may still be living. Barely, but alive."

"I-I saw him. I'm the one that wounded him," I stuttered. "There's no way."

"Whatever you say," she sighed. "That's not what I'm here for anyway. I want to tell you that it's okay to forgive yourself. What you did when you were under the influence of Hellcraft was not truly you."

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