Chapter 8 : Explanations

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This is how I imagine Nyx turning into a dark cloud of smoke and little bats . Not the wings though


Axel's Pov:

Oh my god!

Oh my god!

Oh my god!

What The Fuck Just happened back there?

At one moment I was drunk and talking to Nyx and then suddenly out of nowhere a girl jumps on me crazy for my flesh.

I swear she had black eyes and long fangs. The look on her face was feral and she craved blood and flesh, my blood and flesh.

I was petrified the moment she pounced on me. But what left me scared shitless was him.

He saved me from her but then he also grew the same fangs and Those ferocious black eyes.

He was far more terrifying than that girl and I swear even the girl looked terrified of him.

The flash the memory of him sticking his hand in her chest and ripping her heart out came in my mind making me gag. It embedded itself deep into my mind and kept scaring me to core.

Oh my , fuck he took out her hear as if he was plucking a flower. I never knew someone as sweet and sassy like Nyx was such a cold hearted monster behind these handsome look.

But it has been said many time,
' the devil has a pretty face'

I can't believe I had a crush on a fucking monster but , oh shit, I kissed him.

I gagged at the thought of his blood covered mouth . What If he killed me?
What if he planned on killing me?
I should have never let him in my house.

My thoughts were everywhere and I was currently running from him as far as I can into the woods.

My breaths were ragged and I was panting harshly.
Every sound of the forest scared me more.

I could hear rustling of leaves behind me and when I heard the thudding of literal tree falling I ran more faster. He was coming after me . He was going to kill me.
I swear I could see his black eyes with red irises following me everywhere I turned to look.

I didn't know I would die like this , especially from the hands of a monster and that to the one whom I had a crush on and I made out with him.


'Axel please stop running let me explain' I heard his sweet voice in my mind.

But I only ran away. The voice and the softness in it called me and I wanted to hear more of it .

But the rational part of me told me to keep running and I did. It was all a hoax.
It was not real.

'Axel stop please I promise I won't hurt you I can never hurt you, just listen to me once' his voice echoed in my mind.

"JUST STOP "I yelled to no one in particular and stomped my foot so powerfully that I tripped and fell on the dirty forest floor.

I rolled down the small hill and slammed on tree log .

A stinging pain shot from my leg and ran through my body. My back hurt along with my head but mostly my ankle.

I stiffled the scream of agony and pain that left my mouth as tears sprung out of my eyes.

I looked down and slowly turned my leg to see it was twisted at a weird angle.

oh no my ankle twisted.

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