Epilogue : Reconciled

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133 years later after the war at Elysian meadows.
76 miles East from Bucharest Romania
Year 2155

Unknown pov:

" It's impossible. Just look at the structure, it's so well defined and strong. I can't believe it didn't go down with the earthquake of 2107." A colleague of mine spoke as he took pictures of the chamber.
The tomb was huge and it looked brand new for its real age.
We discovered this tomb a few weeks back under the Carpathian mountains.
During the earthquake back in that year a crack came into the mountain and a month ago due to plate shifting a building like structure suddenly emerged out of nowhere.

It was huge and was very visible like a monastery.
Later a script on the main door of the building cleared that it was a tomb of someone very important back in those days. We couldn't recognise since there wasn't any famous dynasty over this land who'd build such a great monument for a person. So it irked and intrigued all the archaeologists around the world. They all wanted to know who or what was inside the tomb.

It has been buried for many years and the most confusing thing was despite our advancements of technology none of our things worked on anything here.
We took a small amount of sand from the outer wall back the first day and turns out the tomb was 2183 years old though the inner rooms looked not older than hundred years and when carbon dated they all were of same age.
The most shocking fact was the tombs original remenants were 2183 years olds but some parts of inside were not more than a hundred years old. Carbon dating wasn't usually wrong but no one can believe their eyes that this great structure which has been under the earth for this long hadn't even went through a single damage.

It was as if like someone rebuild it a hundred years ago or it has some protection on it.
The second time we tried to take a sample back what happened shook and baffled everyone.
This time we took a item from near the outer chamber and ths item which appeared to be a vase stopped and flung in midair resisting to leave the doors of tomb.
It was getting difficult to do our research as we couldn't get things to take out from the tomb.
So we ordered our teams to come here with machines.
The machines came and they stopped working the minute they were placed within a mile radius near the tomb.
Then some of our workers could and some couldn't enter the tomb which also shook us.
The tomb was a three chambered building designed in disc like structure. The building was like if there were three rings and we didn't know what was inside the innermost ring. Which many of us believed was the real tomb.

There were three circles.
The outer ,the middle and the inner.
We successfully managed to enter into the outer tomb since there was no door. Just giant open doors and plain walls. That was the thing there were no doors to the middle circle which confused us but ancient people were smart there must be a lever or something
So a team that could enter was named the 'Pure's' entered the tomb.
They came up with a reason that only pure minds can enter the tomb.
So my team explored the inside.
Yesterday we explored the north side of the outer tomb and found inscriptions

Today we were going in depth.
I was damn sure we would enter the middle circle today.

"You sure it's safe to enter a 2100 years old tomb sir?" My teammate asked.

"Well we are archaeologist Miranda, we gotta take the risk!" I said excitedly.

For weird reason the tomb was very intriguing to me. I felt as if it called me to come inside and explore it.
It reached out to me and it was I who managed to find a way to enter the outer circle.
I don't know how I did it but I did, it was like an automatic response like I knew what to do but actually I didn't.
So the department made me the leader of the team .
With my three teams I ordered one to explore the outer circle.
The second went in with me to explore the next circle.
I put my ear on the wall and tried to hear for that whisper that called me.
It led me to this point on the wall which though looked normal but wasn't really normal.
Keeping my ear here and there I found a place where I could hear it more clearly.
The sound was like a peaceful breathing.

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