Chapter 16 : Official Date

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Their date outfits .

Nyx's Pov:

The cold winds of winter blew softly across my face.

I stood in Axel's backyard in boxers and a soft red silky bathrobe covering my body with a glass of red wine staring at the various colours of petunias that bloomed.
Just like a 'normal' person would do in winters.

Axel was out before I woke up and he didn't tell me where he was going. All he did was leave a note on the counter saying he'll be back soon.
I could have read his mind , but he obviously would not want me to.
I had a feeling he was upto something.

So I had breakfast and then spent some time doing random errands across the house.

Now here I'm now sipping on blood mixed with red wine in a glass.

The blood tasted was started to taste weird. There was a blandness to it which I knew the reason why. It still satiated ky thirst but I don't how long I can keep up with this.

A blue bird on tree caught my attention and I walked to the open garden.

I slipped off the boxers down , leaving only the bathrobe on me which felt so soft against my soft skin.
The world started to fade and I closed my eyes and felt the nature's magic heal and calm me down.

I walked through the garden and new plants and flowers grew where ever I walked and whatever I touched.

It has been a long time since I let myself drown in nature.
A natural healer.

I opened my eyes and walked back to the house.

Sitting down in one the hanging chair I sipped on the blood mixed wine.
Suddenly the texture was thicker and I felt trouble gulping it down.
I started choking and coughed blood all over the floorboard.

' oh shit it's really happening. ' I groaned. It wasn't supposed to happen this soon , we aren't even done with the meeting phase. I coughed up some more and finally calmed down.

Rosa immediately rushed to me and freaked out.

"Oh my god! Nyx!" She shrieked.

"Don-don't worry *coughs* it's wine. I choked. B- bring me water." I said and she sighed in relief and brought me glass.

I told her to go and reluctantly she left.
My phone lit up from a notification.

It was a text from Axel.

' Hey baby! I'll pick you up for our date today at 6 , be ready!
His message said before I could ask what should I wear , another text came.

'wear something casual <3'

Oh my god he is a fucking child, who even uses these classic signs anymore , I'm older than him and I know how to use an emoji!

I chuckled at his childish behavior. And he calls me an old man. Pfft.

I sighed , it is what it is and this is what makes me fall for him harder everyday. Everything he did seems appreciable to me. He would kill someone and I would appreciate him. Does that makes me sound like an obsessive psycho lover?
Oh who am I kidding , I am a psycho obsessed lover.

I checked the time and it was 2 in the noon. Looking down I groaned as I saw the mess.

Axel's message totally distracted me from the problem I was dealing with. I had to call Nora or Nick to tell them this. Atleast someone will know.

I cleaned up the mess and headed to my bedroom. I would take a small nap then shower and get ready and look sexy like I usually do.

Lying on bed all I could think was , what was he planning? Where was he taking me this evening? Was it a date? Obviously it's date idiot he clearly mentioned it.
I have never been on a serious date! Is there a procedure on how these things are done? God I'm screwed.

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