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Saiki's POV:
What a pain. I wanted to spend my last day of summer vacation alone but somehow ended up being dragged out to the beach.

"Hey, buddy! Why so down?" Nendo said approaching his pink-haired friend.

Saiki looked up from his book but disregarded his friend. Before Nendo could add to his question, Kaido interrupts.

"Isn't it obvious Nendo? Saiki here can't swim but was too embarrassed to tell us."

I thought you were the one who couldn't swim.

"WHAT!? Is that true buddy?!"

"Not in the slightest," he looked up from the book he was reading as a familiar pair of thoughts echoed in his head.

"Oh Saiki I didn't know you would be here," Teruhashi said innocently.

Oh wow, Saiki's here! I can't believe my luck. Who knew that going to the beach today would mean I get to see Saiki.

"Oh wow, Teruhashi!" Both Kaido and Nendo awed.

"Oh hi guys, I didn't know you'd be here too!" She smiled at her classmates, "me and Chiyo thought it would be a great idea to go to the beach before school tomorrow."

"That's awesome. We thought the same thing," Kaido responded. He looked behind her, "uh, where's Chiyo? You said you came here together right?"

Teruhashi looked behind her, "huh? She was behind me just a second ago."

The group began to discuss where the missing girl might have gone as another one of their friends disappeared.

Nendo looked back at the towel where Saiki had been sitting, "huh? Where'd my bro go? Bathroom?"

Below the sea level, Saiki laid on a seabed watching many fish swim by.

Finally some peace in quiet. If you're worrying about Chiyo you shouldn't be. She's in the bathroom they'll find her soon.

He closed his eyes, taking in the peace and silence that the surface did not have to offer him.

"Saiki! Where are you?!" he heard Nendo yell.

Oh well, this beats being up there with the rest of them. There's only fish down here.

He turned onto his side and opened his eyes slightly.

It's not like any other human would be down here.

And then he saw her.

A girl with green hair sat on another seabed directly across from him. She was hugging her knees and had a bored expression on her face.

She turned her head and hitched at the sight of him.

Her face became red as a tomato as both of them continued to stare at each other without saying a word.

"Saiki! Buddy where are you!"

The girl looked up to the surface and then back at Saiki.

Before Saiki could say anything, she was gone.

How strange, he thought, I couldn't hear her thoughts.

Y/n's POV:
Oh god, he saw me. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Y/n sat in a bathroom stall, still panicking about the boy she saw.

Her hands shook profusely as waves of thoughts came swarming into her ears:

I wonder if this suit will give me a bad tan.

Where did I leave my sunscreen?

Gross, there's sand in places where there shouldn't be sand.

Huh? Where did Teruhashi go?

These thoughts seemed to calm her down. She breathed in and out before finally getting the courage to leave the stall.

When she got out a girl with short brown hair stared back at her.

She was wearing a yellow bikini and seemed to be nervous about something.

"Oh sorry. I didn't know someone was in there," she stated.

Y/n nodded her off and walked past her to get to the entrance.

She seems nice. I should just ask her.

"I'm sorry if this might be a bother but do you think you can help find my friends?"

Y/n sighed and shook her head, quickly running off to find her family.

She ran past a crowd of boys who seemed to be admiring a girl.

Oh wow, Teruhashi is as pretty as ever!

Teruhashi huh? Maybe I should have helped the girl. I guess my jitters got the best of me.

She came to a halt when she spotted a familiar five-year-old.

"Y/n! Y/n! There you are!"

"Hi Kaito," she said with a smile.

"Y/n we have been looking all over for you."

"Oh hi mom," y/n said dropping her smile.

"You know you can't just run away every time we have a disagreement. You have to face your problems. This is why we left home you know. You need to do better."

"I know mom. I'll try harder this time."

"Good," she sat back in her beach chair, "I don't want to have to move again. Now run along with Kaito and buy an ice cream or something."

Y/n dropped her head and picked up her little brother.

As they walked to an ice cream stand Kaito whispered in her ear, "why haven't you told mom about your problem yet?"

"She wouldn't understand."

Kaito crossed his arms, "she should know dummy."

"I know."

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