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Y/N's POV:
"I'm such a fucking idiot!" Y/n whined as she paced back and forth in front of Saiki's house.

Winter had ended in the beautiful country of Japan. The fresh sheets of snow that covered the ground finally melted but it was still chilly enough to see one's hot breath.

Y/n finally stopped pacing and hovered her finger over the doorbell.

"I can do this. I can do this," she whispered, "just gotta confess...with a letter."

She had spent yesterday's afternoon crafting the perfect letter but now it didn't seem so perfect.

"Oh god how will he react?"

She bit her lip and looked back to the bag of gifts in her hand. She sighed and swooped the letter up, quickly stashing it in her pocket. Then, she rang the doorbell.

Saiki's mother answered, her small head peaking out of the door, "oh hello dear!" she said stepping out, "are you here to see Saiki?"

"Sort of," Y/n said, her face reddening, "I came to drop off Saiki's christmas presents," she said displaying a giant gift bag.

"Oh wow a coffee jelly machine! You must know my son very well," she said taking the gift.

"I guess you can say that," she beamed.

The pattering of footsteps could be heard from inside the house and suddenly Saiki appeared behind his mother.

"H-hey!" the girl waved.

Saiki's mother looked from Saiki to the girl, "this is for you!" she said handing the gift to Saiki, "you are so lucky to have a friend like her."

Saiki blinked at her and took the gift, unsuccessfully hiding the excitement behind his eyes.

"Would you like to come inside dear?"

Saiki perked up at this and look towards Y/n's direction.

"Er—I would love to but I have to get going," she said motioning at nothing behind her. As she began walking backwards, she bumps into a familiar figure.

"You're leaving already? But I have a New Years present for you."

Y/n turned around quickly and met Kusuke's eyes.

"Happy New Year Y/n!" he said handing her a red envelope.

"That's not really necessary..." she said taking it.

"Kusuke, it's nice of you to join us! Did your plane just land?" his mother asked.

"It did. I'll just drop off my stuff and head over to the festival," he turned his attention back to Y/n, "would you like to join us?"

~Slight Timeskip~
Saiki, Y/n, and Kusuke walked side by side, each of them not saying much.

"So," Kusuke started, "how are the clips working out for you Y/n?"

"Good," she replied quickly, "no complaints yet."

He laughed, "that's good to hear."

They continued walking in silence before Kusuke spoke again, "and this friendship of yours...developing nicely I assume?"

"Okay now this is getting weird," Saiki said interrupting him, "yes we're just friends. Move on already. Right Y/n?"

The two brothers turned to see a bright red Y/n.

"Hey look a yakitori stand! I'm going to go get some!" Y/n shouted, quickly shuffling away from them.

As she reached the stand she sighed. She ordered one and began walking to the fortune area, slowly chewing on the meat.

Just friends...that's all we'll ever be.

She finished her yakitori and tossed the stick in the trash. She took out her letter and stared at it for awhile. She then tossed it in the same bin and began walking back towards Saiki and Kusuke.

She looked over at the brothers who seemed to be talking about something.

Her eyes traveled over to the fortune stand. She approached it and took a stick that was produced.

"Terrible fortune," it read. Y/n gaped at the stick and felt her soul leave her body. She finally returned to reality when a cold hand touched her shoulder.

"What'd your fortune say?" Saiki asked.

Y/n turned around and hid her stick, "good fortune!" she lied, "yours?"

"Same," it was silent for a moment before Saiki replied, "I'm sorry if my brother made you uncomfortable. He's not used to things like this," he said motioning at the two of them.

"This," Y/n repeated, "right. Um listen, I gotta go but thanks for letting me hang out with you today! Maybe next time I could be the one who dictates the activity."

"Sure. Sounds like a plan."

"Cool. I'll text you!" she smiled and waved goodbye, "happy holidays! And tell your brother I said bye to him as well!"

~Slight Timeskip~
Saiki's POV:
While it wasn't his original plan, Saiki was glad he spent part of his day with Y/n.

When he returned home, his gift was waiting for him. It sat nicely on his bed, the heaviness of the coffee jelly machine making an indentation on his covers.

He removed it from the gift bag and took out a blue book that was also inside. He opened the cover and was shocked to see Y/n's handwriting on the inside.

It read: So glad I met you this year! Seriously I would be a mess without you. I know you're a coffee jelly fan but I figured this wouldn't be a bad gift either. It's one of my favorites :) Happy Holidays! - Y/n

Saiki smiled and flipped the book open.

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