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Y/N's POV:
Y/n walked into school with a feeling of uneasiness. Her heart palpitated every few seconds causing her to agonize seeing the person that had caused this reaction.

When she got to her class Aiura's booming voice snapped her out of her daze.

"I already told you Chiyo, you just have bad luck with this sort of thing. When true love does come I'll let you know. Alright, who's next? Free love readings! Come on down before I change my mind!"

"Why would anyone want to do that?" Saiko said behind her.

Y/n blinked at the sight before turning to face him, "Is it so wrong to want to be loved Richie Rich?"

He parted his lips as Y/n went up to Aiura.

"Do me! I know I don't really believe in this sort of thing but this could be fun."

"Ooo the non believer. Alright, sure. Have a seat."

Aiura began shuffling the cards. Two flew out immediately but she continued shuffling until she had four.

She aligned the cards in a row and began flipping them to reveal the fortune.

In front of Y/n the cards revealed themselves to be the King of Cups, the King of Pentacles, the Lovers, and finally the four of wands.

"Huh," Aiura said after staring at them for awhile.


"Well I can tell you that this guy has a major crush on you."

"Oh," Y/n replied as she sat down in front of her, "so what does that mean?"

"Well according to this he's interested but doesn't know how to show it. So maybe...hmmm," Aiura took out her crystal ball and shook it, "we'll help him out a bit! Let's see who this guy is!"

After a few shakes and incoherent hums Aiura looked in to her crystal ball and gasped.


"What is it?"

"Your crush! It's...it's...Saiki!"


From afar, Teruhashi's eye twitched.

~Slight Timeskip~
"Sooo," Aiura said leaning into Y/n, "you and Saiki huh."

"Shut up," Y/n whisper shouted.

"How come you never figured this out yourself? Don't you have a likability meter?"

"Yeah but I never thought of using it like that!"

Her face reddened as everyone in the cafeteria turned to look at them.

"Whoa there, keep it down Ms. "I don't want anyone to know.""

"Ugh it's just that," Y/n thought about her reply as the two of them sat at a table.

"What's on your mind Y/n? Come on I won't judge."

"I don't know," she looked over at Saiki who was eating with his usual group and sighed, "do you ever have that feeling like you've known someone for a while and you knew what you thought about them but now you're not so sure?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like how someone changes from someone that you'd never ever be into...into a guy that maybe you kinda sorta might have a crush on?"

Aiura smiled mischievously, "someone like Saiki?"

"W-what?! No! I already told you that I'm not interested in him!" she said blushing profusely.

copycat ~ k. saiki x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now