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Chapter Twenty:

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Chapter Twenty:

"Just kidding!" Princess Somi said with a smile. She looks at her older brother who was glaring at her. Prince Jungkook rolled his eyes and looked back at his father. "Are you sure what you just said is a joke?" King Jeon asked. "Yes," the Princess said. "If so, then Prince Jungkook will be allowed to marry her if that's what he-"

"Most definitely!" He smiled brightly. Princess Somi scoffed and took a step forward.  "I would love having Lady (Y/N) as my sister in law yet I respect her decision of not marrying anyone. My dear older brother hasn't understood that Lady (Y/N) doesn't need him or any other man. She is happy living by herself which is why we should respect her decision" Princess Somi said looking at her brother.

Prince Jungkook scoffed and looked at his younger sister. "Yes, Lady (Y/N) was like that before yet she changed. She has feelings for me so why can't we just get married? Why are you against my marriage? Don't you want your older brother to be happy?" he asked. "Of course not. Open your eyes. Lady (Y/N) wants nothing to do with you. She hates you, older brother" Princess Somi said.

The prince hated the words that were coming out of his sister's mouth. He clenched his hand and glares at her. "You haven't even spoken to her over years. I know her better than all of you. She loves me as much as I love her. If she didn't, why would she agree to be my girlfriend? Why would she allow me to stay at her house? Why she allow me to kiss her if she doesn't love me, huh?" he asked.

Before Princess Somi could say anything else, their father stands and clears his throat, grabbing their attention. "Enough! Listen Cleary you two. Prince Jungkook, I will give you three months for Lady (Y/N) to come to the castle and informs me that she will be your bride and if she doesn't, Lady Anne will be" King Jeon said. "It's clear that you will be marrying Anne so you get that in your head," Princess Somi told her brother before walking out of the room.

"I promise Father that she will be the future Queen," Prince Jungkook said and his father nodded. "you better not disappoint me. It would be depressing if the woman the prince loves rejected him" his father said before walking out. Prince Jungkook smiles brightly as he pulls out a hairpin Your hairpin to be exact.

"After 8 years, we will be together soon" he holds the pin close to his heart.


You stared at the beautiful castle, nervous to meet Princess Somi. It's been years since you have seen her. You decided to wear a simple red dress to the tea party since you had to sell all of your old dresses for money. "Are you Lady (Y/N)?" you turned your head and saw a maid. "Ah yes, I am" you smiled. "Please follow me. Princess Jisoo has been expecting you" she said and started walking. You follow right behind her and she led you to the flower garden.

Princess Somi smiles when her eyes landed on you. "Thank you for coming, Lady (Y/N)" she said as she stands and curtsy. "Thank you for inviting me" you curtsy. "It's been a long time, Lady (Y/N)" Lady Sierra smiles. You took a seat and smiled at her. "It has" you replied. "what have you been doing these past years?" Lady Dani asked. "I have been living in a small cabin in the forest here. It's very cozy and I love it" you gave her another smile.

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