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It had been a very long and boring day so far. At first I had a meeting with the Stones Enterprise and it didn’t go as good as I expected it to be. Now I was sitting in a restaurant conducting interviews for my personal assistant. I wasn’t really doing the interview. Vince had shortlisted three candidates already and I just have to make my pick from amongst them all. And right now, I had a lady sitting in front of me blabbing about the previous experiences she had in this line of work. She seemed like a good candidate but I really didn’t like how she was fluttering her eyelashes at me or the way she was leaning in front of me on the table, giving me a clear view of her assets. I mean, come on Dude, sit straight! I am rich but not a player, all right! And to top all of this, I was still short on a nanny for my son. For the past week, I had my staff look after Lee whenever I had a meeting or I had to go somewhere. Right now, Vince was on his duty to pick Lee from his kindergarten and bring him here. I just hope I can do the remaining two interviews before my son and friend arrives.

“Right.” I said with a straight face. “You will hear from our office very soon.”

The woman looked disappointed but got up and left after lingering there for a few seconds more than required. After her, there was a guy named, Jose Romez. I liked him quite a bit. He seemed professional and properly qualified for this job. He had a degree in civil engineering and he didn’t seem the nosy type. He was straight to point. I was impressed with him.

“Mr. Romez , you seem suitable for this job and I would really like for you to work with Kellen Corporation.” I said and he looked delighted. Too soon, mate. “However, I still have one more person to consider and can’t offer this job before going through all the candidates.”
He too looked disappointed but quickly covered it with a confident face. “I understand Mr. Kellen. I will look forward to the chance to work with you.” We shook his hand and he left.

The next candidate was another woman. I don’t understand why PA are mostly women. I took her in. At least she wasn’t like the other woman I had the pleasure of entertaining a few minutes ago. She was wearing a black long sleeve t shirt and white pants with flat ballerinas. She had short blond hair. Though, she wasn’t giving me the PA vibes , I was glad she hadn’t gone over to top with dress to impress.

“Hello, I am Elise Rivers.” She introduced herself as she stood infront of me. I realized she had been waiting for me to stand up and greet her. I made no move to get up and leaned back in my seat. She stood awkwardly for a while before taking her seat.

“Why should we hire you, Ms. Rivers?” I asked looking through her resume. She was a business student. That was good. Of course , Vince must have seen something for selecting her. she was okay but the guy was still a better option for this job.

“I am dedicated and passionate…” she started but was cut short with a familiar voice shouting, “Ellie!”

Both of us turned around to look at the little boy running towards us. Running wasn’t good for his health but he seemed very happy. My boy. I hadn’t been able to give proper attention to him in the last couple of days. Seeing him run towards me made me happy, however it didn’t last long when he passed me. I looked at Vince who too looked shocked and was looking past me.

I turned around to see my son hugging the girl who had stood up. This was the ‘Ellie’ Riley had been talking about? And she could be personal assistant? I mean, I am considering Romez for the job but still. This was the girl who saved Riley that day in the mall.

It was two days ago when I had our receptionist take Lee to the park and when he returned he was asleep. It was really difficult to calm him down when he woke up since he was sad that his ‘Ellie’ was not there. I don’t know what this girl did to him but he sure act like her fan. And look at him clinging to her, ignoring me.

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