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Elliot Rivers was very happy when he saw his sister standing at the door at midnight, a day before she was supposed to be back. He thought she had finished her work early and came back.

But his happiness lasted a few seconds until he noticed her puffy eyes and she threw her arms around him and sobbed on his chest. He had no idea what had happened but he wanted to march inside the building of Kell Co and beat the shit out of its owner. He had a very strong hunch that whatever it was, he was responsible for it.

His suspicion turned into concrete when Elise told him all that had happened in Chicago. He felt really bad for her sister. She did all that man and in return he called her names.

Elliot was surprised when he received a call the previous day from Elise asking about his client and her husband Mr. Rudolph. He was surprised to find her interest in the subject but when he learnt about the fraud Mr. Rudolph was planning on doing, he decided to help her. She asked him to find out if the land was going to be transferred to his wife after the divorce and indeed it was. Mr. Rudolph had no right to sell the land at all. And he knew it that was why he planned on selling it in the first. His wife was happy as it meant that they had another argument against him in the case.

That night Elise slept in her brother's room. She could hear his words on repeat. She wasn't to show him her face. She couldn't even meet Riley. How was that fair! She already missed him. Just the thought of never seeing him again brought fresh tears in her eyes. She felt pathetic with all the tears. How did Javier managed to become so important to her that she felt like crying whenever she thought about him.

Javier pulled out a cigarette from the packet and brought it to his lips. He had taken a day off his office to stay with Riley who had come down with flu last night and was now whining to meet Elise. Normally, he had been able to distract him with other things for the past two days but right now, he wouldn't be distracted. He cursed Elise in his head to put him into a situation where he couldn't do anything. He wanted to give Riley whatever he wanted but how could he.

He hadn't seen Elise since he left her in Chicago three days ago. She hadn't been in office or their home after that. And he was glad that she took the warning seriously. He would have killed her in the office on the first day when he found out several bouquets in the reception only to find out they were with thank you notes from Brooks. It only managed to anger him more. His employees had been walking on shells for three days and he was short on an assistant. Everything was going wrong in his life. He sometimes found himself about to call Jose Ramiz to hire him but couldn't bring himself to. This angered him even more. Even though she had been nothing but unfaithful he couldn't bring himself to fire her. Everyone at the office thought she was on a leave. Javier himself didn't know what he was waiting for, he just know that he was waiting for something.

"The fever has returned and your son refuses to eat anything." George said walking into the room.

"I will see to it." Javier said crushing the cigarette on a tray.

"You know what he needs right now." George said quietly.

"I have handled him for four years George. I can still do it. One person doesn't change anything." Javier stormed out of the room.

George may not know what happened but he knew that Javier was angry with Elise and that is why she hadn't been in the house for days. No matter how many times Riley whined for her, Javier just distracted him by giving him something. But this time it wasn't going to work.

Javier angrily huffed as he pulled out the phone from his pocket. He couldn't believe he was doing this but he would do anything for his son. Even if that meant seeing her again, he would do that. Just for Riley.

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