11. Found memories

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I named jacks sister Ann

A trigger warning because being attacked, blood and being very seriously hurt will be in this chapter.
Kinda violent so please if your not good with that leave.

Still third person POV

Jack groaned as he rubbed his head, he slowly started to sit upright until he saw Y/Ns unconscious body laying not to far away.

He quickly scrambled towards her and lifted her his into his lap.
"Y/N?" He lightly shook her, causing her to stir.
She weakly opened her eyes, a small smile forming once she saw Jack.

"I am so so sorry! I'm so glad to see you! I was so worried I didn't know what happened to you or where you were-"

He exhaled, breath shaking angrily. "I sm going to make him regret the day he ever laid a hand on you"

Y/N smiled softly, grabbing and squeezing his hand. "So will I, for hurting you"
She looked passed Jack to his broken staff, he followed her gaze before looking back to her.

He smiled lovingly at her as he brushed the hair away from her face.
Y/N smiled weekly, blinking a few times as she tried to regain some strength.

"What happened to you?" he asked seriously his mood completely changing.

"Oh, after you jumped in that hole a nightmare blocked me off, he took me away and another ripped off my anklet, making the beads spill everywhere" she motioned with her hands the beads spilling.
"That was pain I never wanted to feel again"
She chuckled sadly.

"I shouldn't of left"
Jack sighed angrily at himself.
guilt was eating him up. He sulked back down.

"Nah, I should of been quicker to jump after" Y/N chuckled sarcastically. jack didn't answer her.

after a few tries, Y/N gave up on trying to make him feel better and laid back down defeated.

Jack was feeling a lot of emotions. Happy, giddy, guilty, upset,  but most of all he felt as if he wasn't good enough for Y/N How could he let them be a thing if he had failed to protect her?
A very familiar feeling coursed through his mind.

"I'm sorry I didn't protect you" he apologised. He couldn't get it off his mind, he understood that everything that was happening was due to pitch, but still couldn't help but feel guilty.

"Jack please"  Y/N sighed lowering her head tiredly.

"I should of been there, I should of been with you"

"Jack, I don't need a protector. I'm not hopeless! I am capable of looking after myself" she argued.
"Please go back to teasing me and making bad jokes"

Jack ignored the second part of her sentence.
"Oh really? cause look what happened" he shot back.

Y/N looked at him with shock and disbelief written all over her face.
"There's no point fighting over this. All I'm gonna say is you got your staff broken by Pitch as well, so you are just as 'helpless' as I am right now"

Jack paused for a few moments before muttering a small sorry, he sighed and leaned his head up against the ice wall.
Y/N sat up, seeming to acknowledge and accept his small apology. She now sat beside Jack, leaning her head against his shoulder.

They finally sat in silence,  just soaking up what they had just endured, in a comfortable silence.
Until Y/N decided to break it.

She had already lost her anklet, costing her her powers. What else had she to lose.

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