5. Almost at the forest

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I lied. I have to admit it. I have absolutely no clue what I'm going to with Billie. I have never help someone that has been so low on their music like her. Most people when they come to me, just need a little boost of confidence and create but there something with her that is suffocating all her ideas. I don't know what it is but I will try my best to get it out and help her. I have 4 days to come up with something. Lord help me.

Time skip

So I came up with something. I sat on a Sunday afternoon in my balcony. Looking to the sunset and the forest trees move by the wind and that's when it hit me.

As of now I'm waiting for Billie and Finneas to get to my house and from there I will take Billie into the forest. I sent Finneas the address as soon as I got the idea. I'm just hopinh that this will work.

'Ding, Dong' I heard the doorbell ring

I stood from the couch and opened the door. There stood a happy Finneas and a shy looking Billie.

"Come in" I said, making space so they can pass.

"Ok, so we are going to go somewhere until around 7 and Finneas then you can come and pick Billie up" I said looking at Finneas.

"Ok, stay safe. Bye." He said. He kissed Billie in the forehead and waved at me goodbye.

"Billie you ready" I said looking back at Billie.

"I think so" said Billie shyly.

"Don't worry we are just going back there" I said pointing to the forest.

"THE FOREST!?!?" Billie said loudly. Making me chuckle at her shock state.

"Yep, come on. We don't have all day" I said grabbing a small bag that I had packed with some snacks and drinks.

I grabbed Billies hand and pulled her to my side as she seemed still in a state of shock. We walked through my backyard and backdoor to be able to get to the forest. Before stepping into it, I felt Billie pull her hand away.

"Hey what's wrong" I said concerned at the sudden actions of Billie. I looked back at her and immediately saw the fear in her eyes.

"I'm scared" she chocked out.

Pulling her into a hug, she started sobbing into my shirt. Not knowing why, I closed the door and hugged her tighter.

"Beautiful, what's wrong?" I said.

She didn't repond, just continued sobbing her eyes out as she pulled me closer. Taking the hint of what was wrong, I started stoking her her hair and saying sweet nothings into her ears.

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