10. Highland park

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Guess who feel asleep again? Yeah, me. It's now like 2:30 and I'm choosing what to wear ro Billies house. Maybe a plain white t-shirt and some jeans will work. I got changed and grabbed the keys of my car. I'm not much of a luxurious looking person but when it comes to cars you gotta love a good looking one. Mine is a black porche cabrio. It's my baby, it was my first big purchase when I came here to LA and I treat it like it a piece of gold.

I speed through the freeway all the way to Billies house. She lived in highland park. I'd never heard of it but I only lived 15 minutes away.

I might have gotten there a little over 30 minutes after the hour that we planned because of the awful traffic. God I hate LA traffic. Now Billie may think I'm always late. It isn't a lie but I want a better impression of myself in front of someone I like.

I step out of my car and ring the bell. To my surprise a woman with red hair opens the door and greets me in.

"Hey, I'm y/n y/l/n, nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Maggie. Billies mother"

"Ah, yes. By any case do you know where Billie is."

"She must be in her room. I'll call her"

A few minutes later I heard some steps coming running towards me. Billie crashes into me and jumps so that now I'm holding her by her waist.

"Hello beautiful. Looks like someone missed me"

Billie blushes and giggles, "Hi" she says shyly and hides her face in the crock of my neck.

"Want me to carry you?" I asked after Billie didn't move from our original position.

She nodded and I picked her up. She wraps her legs around my waist and I start moving toward her room. She directs me where to go and I settle her down once we are in her room.

I look around. Her room is light up with red and in one of the walls she has a shoe rack filled with many cool shoes. On the wall of her bed she has a blanket hung up over it. You can see her closet full of designer clothes and many different colors.

"Your room is dope" I comment.

"Thanks I really love it" there is a sudden silence. Not awkward or uncomfortable but you can almost hear the nervousness that we had. Before I could do any move Billie interrupts "wanna cuddle?" She asks.

I giggle at the sudden actions. But you could see the sad face she gave me when I did that.

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