If they lived in the 21th century - High school Students

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yeah so I have a writer's block and can't figure out how to do the second part of Checkmate, so idk when it will be published :/


Todd is a shy, introverted bookworm. He always carries one or more books with him that he's currently reading, and he spends a lot of time at the library, enjoying the peacefulness and being surrounded by books. When taking a break from doing his homework in the evening, in his room, he either grabs the nearest book and starts reading it, only to realize sometime later that he has spent one hour on it, or he browses the Internet searching for fanfics.


Neil is that popular senior dude who is nice to everyone and very friendly. He's the teachers' favorite and  has incredible social skills. Oh, and he's class president every year, too. No matter which grade you're in, you're sure to have spoken with him at least once. It's like he knows every single student personally. He's the perfect example of the golden student who sets the bar very high, but who's simultaneously the nicest person you've ever met.


Knox is that one student who always has excellent grades in English literature classes. He's good at writing essays, and people always try to get him to do their work for them in exchange for some money - but of course he never accepts to do so. He's part of the school newspaper and helps organize writing contests for the school.


Charlie is the gamer of the gang. He sometimes stays up all night playing and, luckily for him, doesn't need much sleep in order to be in good shape the next morning. He often makes references to video games, which are usually followed by some sort of insult towards his friends, such as "uncultured swines".


Still a nerd, but he is a popular guy. A hot arrogant nerd, basically. He flirts a lot but is somehow still single. He's the type of person who has an account on every imaginable social media and who regularly posts stuff on his Instagram account.


Gerard is the meme guy. He knows every meme and has thousands of them saved inside his phone. He knows so many that at this point he can just send one as an answer or a reaction in a conversation / a group chat. He speaks in memes. He is the memelord.

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