~ Chapter - 16 ~

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- I L A R I A - 

I jumped to hug Kevin and he stumbled back a little due to the sudden force. He chuckled and we held each other tightly. Aunt Lina cleared her throat and I turned to her. She was looking at us intently waiting for me to answer.

"Kevin, this is Aunt Lina. And Aunt this is Kevin, my best friend." I said introducing them to each other.

"Hello Mrs. Lina. Nice to meet you." He said politely. 

"Same here." She snorted a little rudely and walked away. But again, not unexpected from her.

"Ignore her." I said dragging him inside with me. "But you tell me. When did you came here? And why didn't you tell me? Did Aunt came too? And you didn't replied to my calls and texts as well." 

"Jeez. One question at a time madam." He chuckled. "I came here today's morning and Mom is with me too. And for the second question, I wanted to give you a surprise so I didn't tell you."

"You could've at least replied to my texts. I was worried." I complained.

"Oh you were worried?" He teased. I playfully punched his arm. We started talking and I told him everything that has happened in the last five months he wasn't with me. 

It is astonishing how fast time flies when you are with right people. And it's truly magical how nothing between us changed. We are the same Kevin and Ilaria we were. There is no awkwardness or sense of drifting away between us. And I think this is one of the most beautiful things ever. Knowing that he is still the same person. Knowing that no matter how far we both are, we are still going to be there for each other. Knowing that we don't need to talk everyday to understand each other. We can not talk for years and still be best friends.

"So, tell me about your home there. And when can I meet Aunt Diana?" I asked.

"Mom wanted to see you too but something came up. She was saying she'll come tomorrow. I also wanted to bring Teddy along but couldn't." He said. 

"I wanted to meet him so bad." I mumbled. 

"I know. Maybe next time." He said.

"Yeah. You know what Kiara is also gonna get a dog next week." I said. 

"That's good. By the way when can I meet this Kiara, who managed to replace me in just weeks?" He asked.

"Nobody can replace you stupid. And you can meet her now if you want. Let's go." I said putting on my shoes.

"Not now. Hey, we should tell them first that we are coming. It's not good to just show up like this." He said.

"They won't mind. Now come on." I said and pulled him out. We reached Kiara's home and I rang the doorbell. Kevin tucked on his clothes and ran a hand through his hair nervously.

"Hey Ari!" Kiara greeted happily as she opened the door.

"Hey." I said and we hugged. She looked over at Kevin and shot me a questioning look.

"This is Kevin. He wanted to meet you so badly." I said.

"Oh really? Hi, I've heard quite a lot about you." She exclaimed extending her hand.

"Hi." Kevin said and they shook hands.

"Come in. We will talk inside." She said and led us inside. Kevin kept glancing at her from time to time.

"So, have you moved back?" She asked when we sat down comfortably.

"No. I just came to visit. I'll return after Aria's birthday." He told her. She nodded thoughtfully. We talked for quite a long time before Mom texted me to come back. Kevin and Kiara bonded well too. Their personalities are very much same and they kept joking a lot. It sometime seemed they are best friends who are meeting each other after years.

"Aria." Kevin said when we were walking back home. I hummed for him to continue.

"You are happy, right?" He asked. I looked at him, taken aback by the sudden question. His eyes bore into mine as if he was trying to read my mind.

"Of course I am." I answered truthfully. I really feel happier from the past few weeks. I don't feel the need to please people anymore. I laugh and smile a lot more. Kevin studied me for a moment and then nodded.

"That's good. Kiara is a nice girl by the way. I don't feel she's one of those selfish and fake people." He said. I sighed in relief. Kevin has a special ability in studying people. He just knows whether someone is real or not. I used to think that it's coincidence but after Ella's thing, I don't argue with him on this. Kevin hated her from the very first time he met her. I thought he was overreacting but he was right.

"So she passed your vibe-check?" I laughed.

"Yeah. She's far better than I thought." He said. 

"The finest souls are those who gulped pain and avoided making others taste it."

Hi Guys!
How are y'all?

What do you think of the chapter? Ilaria's birthday is coming up and Kevin is back too so things are gonna get heated a bit. Thank you so much for all your votes and comments. It means a lot to me.

Question of the chapter- What is the best advice you've ever gotten?

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