~ Chapter - 18 ~

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(About the picture- Birthday Girl.)

- I L A R I A - 

My phone rang as soon as the clock ticked 12 making me jump a little. I was super sleepy but I managed to pick it up not even bothering to look at the caller ID. 

"Hello?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Happy Birthday Aria!" Mom screamed through the other end. A small smile crept on my face. Mom is always the first one to wish me. No matter what she never broke her ritual.

"Thanks Mom." I said.

"I'm the first one, right?" She said proudly. 

"You always are Mom." I chuckled. 

"Here, your Dad wants to talk to you." She said handing over the phone to Dad. 

"Hi Princess. Happy Birthday." He said.

"Thanks Dad." I sat up on my bed. I know I won't be able to sleep anytime soon. My phone is already buzzing with the incoming messages. 

"I'm really sorry we couldn't be there. But we'll surely go out when we are back. I promise." He said and I could hear Mom making plans in the background already.

'It's okay Dad. Your work is important." I assured him.

"You are smart nothing like your siblings. I bet you got it from me." Dad joked. I laughed and they started fighting again. I practically shouted a 'goodbye' to them and hung up. I replied to all the people who messaged me. Lilian, Kevin, Kiara and the others, Alex, some of my other friends, Elijah's girlfriend Catherine, and some of my relatives. I wonder how so many people are still up. I switched my phone off and slipped back to sleep again. 

- Time Skip -

"Finally I turned 15." I yawned slipping off my bed and heading to the bathroom. I took a shower and decided to wear a simple black top with dark blue jeans. I put on some makeup and let my hair flow down my shoulders. I replied to all the people who wished me and made my way downstairs. I made decided to make some pancakes for myself. I decided not to make extra because they will be wasted anyway. Elijah was probably at his friend's and the twins hate my cooking. I finished making my pancakes and saton the couch ready to dig in when Aunt LIna came in. 

"Hey Ilaria! Happy Birthday!" She said hugging me.

"Thank you Auntie." I said and smiled at her.

"Are you going somewhere?" She asked, taking a seat beside me.

"Yeah, me and Kiara have planned to go shopping today." I told her. Kiara persuaded me to come shopping with her today. She insisted she wants to pick a gift for me even after a denied. 

"Okay. Have fun." She said and went outside. I began eating while scrolling through random memes on my phone when the twins entered the living room. Xander took a quick look at my plate and hurried towards the kitchen. They didn't even acknowleged my presence let alone wish me. I don't think they even remember.

"Hey! Where are my pancakes?" Xander asked.

"Did you made yours?" I asked, genuinely confused. He couldn't be possibly talking about mine. Right?

"Why would I? It's your duty." He said.

"It's not my duty. You aren't paying me for it." I shot back offended at his remark. I guess being in Carmella's company is really changing my attitude. I never talked back before no matter how offended or hurt I was. Xavier looked at me too, obviously glaring at me.

"So what? You want us to starve?" Xander snapped.

"You are the one who hated my cooking. So why not try and make something yourself instead of being such a prick about it." I spat. Xander looked at me shock evident in his eyes but he covered it up quickly.

"I see that Davis kid has really changed you. Huh? Stay away from him. He's bad influence." Xavier said. I started to feel angrier by each passing second. They have the audacity to call him a bad influence when they can't even bother to remember my birthday.

"That kid really have guts man. He was messing with me some days ago." He said now turning to face his twin.

"Really? I bet he's just trying to be cool." Xander said mockingly. 

"I know right. I would have beat the crap out of him. Lucky for him, I don't hit kids." He said laughing like I'm not visible to them.

"Oh that's a surprise. Last time I checked you used to bully kids who were in my grade." I said. 

"Those kids were monsters." He said getting irritated.

"Those kids were literally the most innocent kids in my grade. But wait that's the exact reason why you bullied them." I said. If looks could kill, I would've been six feet under by now. But luckily, they can't. I walked over to put my plate in the dishwasher and headed for the door.

"I'm going out with Kiara for lunch." I said and shut the door behind me. And for once it felt good. Carmella would be so proud of me for standing up for myself.

Hi Everyone!
I hope you all are happy and healthy.

What are your thoughts about the chapter?
Aria has finally started defending herself like many of you wanted. She'll change more in the upcoming chapters. I'm also working on another book which is a murder mystery, so look forward to it too. It'll be out in August, I guess. Consider following me for more updates. 

Question of the chapter- What is your favoraite character except Aria?

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