What's It Like Doing It With Them?

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Jean Grey:


She likes seeing your face.

If it needs to be fast, she may connect your minds and do some tinkering.

With permission.

A lot of touching.

A bit of biting.

There's always scratches after.

Usually rough.

Mostly rough.

Sometimes she takes control.

She prefers if you do.

Always starts with teasing.

Sometimes (most of the time) neither of you have condoms.


Never just once.
Invisible Woman:

Slow and steady wins the race.

She likes to show you what your doing by turning her lower half invisible.

Kissing is a must.

Now that she is older, she is more adventurous.

Never done anal.

Until you.


She always stays over the night.

Pillow talk is all but guaranteed.
Black Widow:

She's very agile.

She would take control at first until you were confident enough.

She always has some new move to show you.

Sometimes she likes to use toys.

Gets shy when you compliment her during.

Makes sure to mark her territory.

Sometimes you don't even get all of your clothes off.

Sometimes it's in public.

Sometimes she likes to keep you to herself for a few days.
Scarlet Witch:


No, really.

Magic is always involved.

No real need for a bed.

Though it embarrasses her to admit it, she likes it from behind.

Music is always playing in the background.

You like to tease her.


The room is always a mess after.

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