Catching Up 6

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Carol Denvers

Who Are You?:
A High Ranking SHIELD agent.

You worked as a police officer but you were recruited after your service in a series of invasions. You went on to become one of the best. You worked alongside the likes of Dum Dum Dugan and Maria Hill.

But your first priority was and always will be your daughter, Delilah.

How Did You Meet?:
It was routine mission.

You were to lead a team to run recon to get Intel on a possible Hydra cell. It was an easy in and out, but things never go as planned. The ambush would've killed all of your men, including yourself, but you all found yourselves saved by a what appeared to be a bright light.

That's when you saw her. Ms. Marvel herself. Carol Denvers. She helped you take down the Hydra forces and she got you all to safety.

How Did You Become Friends?:
It was weird.

You ended up becoming her neighbor after Nick Fury decided that you would be the best person to keep an eye on her. You didn't even know until your daughter told you about her. And sure enough, she was at her door trying to unlock it.

You ended up acting as a good neighbor and you both got along well enough. She even offered to babysit your 7 year old when you needed to work. Plus Delilah loved having her around. You would invite her over for dinner when neither of you were busy, which she happily agreed to.

Who Fell In Love First?:

You were near death, about to be killed by Hydra, when she appeared in a glow. You honestly thought she was an angel at first.

But she did fall for you quickly after she moved in next door. The way you acted around her daughter and your dedication to your job did something for her.

Who Asked Who?:

You and Carol were talking in the hall when your daughter just declared that the two of you should go on a date. You and Carol laughed about it a bit, but it ended with the two of you agreeing to grab a cup of coffee together.

Who knew your daughter would be the one to get you a date?

First Date:
Coffee was good.

But you both decided it wasn't enough. And Delilah was with your mother so you decided to go watch a movie. By the time it was over, it was around lunchtime. After eating lunch, you decided to go for a walk around the park. Ice cream was her idea.

Before you knew it, the sun was setting and it was time for you to pick up Delilah. But neither of you objected to the idea of her going with you. So you both picked your daughter up and Carol got to meet your mother.

So the three of you walked home together. Delilah walked between you both, holding your hands.

First Fight:
Carol didn't know it was your birthday.

You never celebrated it anyway, but Delilah let it slip that it was that day. So Carol decided to surprise you with a cake and a present. But she was surpised when she found that you already had plans.

The fight started when you refused to tell her where it was you were going. You had been together for a few months at that point, and the two of you were very open with each other. So it hurt when you didn't tell her something so simple.

So you finally told her that you were going to go visit your wife's grave. And the reason you didn't want to tell her is because you didn't want her to get jealous or something.

She ended up going with you and Delilah, introducing herself to your first love.

First Time:
Delilah was on a trip with her grandma, so you had the apartment to yourself.

Carol came over for a movie, though you both had the same thought on your minds. You knew that this was a rare opportunity and you had both been talking about it for a while now.

The plot for the movie didn't even start before she was all over you. Clothes was quickly thrown to the side and the movie was completely forgotten.

The next morning, you made breakfast shirtless as she watched you from the couch. Delilah wouldn't be back until the afternoon. So you had a bit more time to mess around.

Maybe actually watch a movie.

What's It Like?:

No, seriously.

Her powers act up sometimes but it feels nice.

She's very skilled with many things.



Who Said It First?:
She did.

Both of you ended up talking about your wife one night. Delilah was already asleep and the two of you retired to the living room. She had asked what had happened, and you told her that your wife was a mutant who was lynched when she went to visit her brother down south.

You did assure her that you had since come to terms with her death. Carol had asked if you could love again, and you told her that you already did. That you loved her.

That night, you asked her to move in with you. She said yes.

Since having a daughter put a wrench in private time, the two of you had to get creative.

So Carol sending you pictures or you sending suggestive texts wasn't really out of the blue. But if you had to be gone for long periods of time, Carol would sometimes find a quiet, private place, and give you a call.

Would She Cheat?:
Absolutely not.

The fact that she felt like she was a part of the family pushed any of those thoughts from her mind. Besides, she loved you and Delilah way too much to even consider it.

You felt the same. You could never put Carol through something like that. Plus, you had been married before. You knew the ins and outs already.

The two of you had each other, and that was enough.

Meeting The Family:
Carol fell in love with your family immediately.

The night you both picked up Delilah, Carol had met your mother. She approved of Carol almost immediately. But Carol also got the chance to meet your wife's family. And yes, you still saw them as family even after her death.

They loved Carol and welcomed her into the family without a second thought. Thier love for her only grew when they saw the way she treated Delilah.

However, Carol's mother wasn't very happy to meet you. She thought Carol was wasting her prime with being with you and raising a child that wasn't hers.  This caused a fight between the two, but you stayed out of it.

Turning Point:
No one could've seen it coming.

You and Carol had gotten news about Krakoa differently. She was with the Avengers while you were at work. Either way, the mutants had an island of their own. While this would be big news on it's own, Delilah had just awoken to her mutant genes.

You and Carol were in the bedroom you shared talking about the news when Delilah ran in. She told you that someone was here which wasn't weird on it's own. But then you opened the door....and found your wife standing there.

The mutants didn't only create a new home for themselves, but they also found a way to bring back their dead brethren.

You and Carol were in shock, as was your wife.

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